Roll Call, the Board entered into Executive Session to discuss items
dealing with employment, compensation and the evaluation of staff.
The Board returned to open session at 6:20 PM.
Under Recognition of Public, there was no request to address the
The Consent Agenda included the approval for the payment of bills,
the sales tax report, meeting minutes from April 27, 2022 and April
27, 2022 Executive Session minutes.
Superintendent Lamkey informed the Board that sales tax revenues
reported for December rebounded to $27,968.77 for Logan County.
There were no additional questions on the consent agenda, which
passed 6-0.
Under Reports, Superintendent Lamkey highlighted information about
the expansion of the electricity consortium the school has
participated in that will allow for future energy savings. The
consortium will involve over 400 school districts in Illinois and
Ohio and allow for cost savings as the group purchases electricity
in bulk. Mr. Lamkey also reported that the flooring recall project
was completed and the final walk-thru took place earlier Monday. The
replacement cost the district no money or resources to correct.
Finally, Mr. Lamkey spoke to the Board about a meeting with the
Village of Elkhart concerning a TIF district renewal. Mr. Smith and
Mr. Lamkey will be meeting with Senator Turner and a district
representative to discuss the new plan.
Elkhart will address the Board in June to go into detail of the
Mrs. Grunder and the Spanish Club presented to the Board on their
trip to Chicago and the educational opportunities they encountered.
They thanked the district for their continued support which allows
the students to broaden their learning.
The final item under Reports came from district Athletic Director
Ryan McVickers. Mr. McVickers highlighted Mt. Pulaski’s successful
year in athletics which includes to date seven regional champions,
five sectional championships, multiple State track competitors, JH
Baseball 4th at State, 7th Grade Girls Basketball 2nd at State and
8th Grade Volleyball 3rd at State. This is a great deal of success
for one school district especially considering high school baseball,
softball and track have all yet to finish their seasons. Mr.
McVickers also outlined the offseason work being completed by our
players and coaches.

The discipline report reflected three in-school suspensions at the
high school all for failure to serve detentions. Two in-school
suspensions and one out of school suspension at the grade school,
all for disrespect toward staff. All suspensions were one day or
less except for a two day suspension at the grade school.
Leading New Business, Top Hat Wind Farm addressed the Board to
inform them of the upcoming projects and timelines. The majority of
the new wind farm will be east of Mt. Pulaski between highways 54
and 121. Work will begin late next winter and carry through the
winter of 2024.
[to top of second column] |

Our district will have 40 wind turbines that are expected to
generate $1 million in the first year and average tax revenues of $750-$850,000
per year. The district can expect to see a positive effect on district tax
dollars by the 2025-26 school year.
The Board then considered a bid to resurface the parking lot at
the high school and the playground at the grade school, which came in just over
1.1 million dollars. The plans to resurface these areas were targeted last year
when oil prices were much lower. The cost of the project is over 40% higher than
previously expected. The Board postponed their vote on accepting the bid to seek
potential change orders that could lower the costs.
Principal’s Lora and Fricke then presented the proposed changes to their
prospective student handbooks. Changes for the upcoming year were addressed and
discussed with the Board. The Board voted 6-0 to approve the handbook, omitting
Section 11 from both which addressed the pandemic health guidelines. This
omission will allow the district to roll back handbook expectations to
pre-pandemic standards.

The Board then discussed salaries for district educational support staff (ESP)
for the upcoming year. Mr. Lamkey presented information to the Board revealing
that our ESP salaries lagged behind other county school districts.
Administration described that these lower salaries hampered the hiring process
and the retention of qualified staff. The Board offered a range of raises from
3-11% that will make ESP salaries more locally competitive. The increase was
approved 6-0.
Next the Board approved a 3.5% salary increase for the district's two
principals. Superintendent Lamkey spoke very highly of Mt. Pulaski
administrators and the work they are doing for the district. The Board approved
the raises 6-0.
The last item on the agenda was the Personnel Report. The Board approved the
following hires and resignations with a 6-0 vote:
The following resignations were approved:
○ Whitney Nichols as MPGS Paraprofessional
○ Anthony Lisenko as MPHS Math Teacher
○ Mary Osborne as MPGS Custodian
The following hires were also approved:
○ Ralph Allen as a full-time MPHS Ag Teacher
○ Jan Bowers as MPHS Math Teacher
○ Alora Goodey as MPHS and MPGS Volleyball Coach
○ Ryan Deibert as MPHS Basketball Coach
○ Ryan Davis as MPHS Assistant Boys Basketball Coach
○ Jeff Clements as MPHS Volunteer Assistant Basketball Coach
○ Tanker Wade as MPHS Volunteer Assistant Boys Basketball Coach
○ Noah Riedle as Summer Custodian
● Brian Erlenbush as MPGS Boys Basketball Coach 5-1
The Board adjourned at 7:17 PM. The next meeting will be June 20, 2022 at 5:00
[Sarah Farris
Administrative Assistant
Mount Pulaski CUSD 23] |