St. John United Church of Christ in
Lincoln has joined with the other United Church of
Christ (UCC) churches in Illinois in a response to
the numerous and varied disasters within our country
already this year with others, no doubt to follow.
The Church World Service (CWS) tries to have
recovery supplies available at all times to be able
to respond in an emergency with a disaster strikes.
UCC Churches this year were asked to pledge a number
of “Buckets,” each full of supplies with a value
totaling $78. St. John UCC, Lincoln, has pledged 15
buckets which has already been surpassed.
Each bucket contains essential home recovery
supplies that are needed after any disaster be it
tornado, flood, fire hurricane or other.
Items collected in each bucket is:
one pump air freshener,
five scouring pads (no soap),
seven sponges,
one Scrub brush,
18 reusable dry cleaning towels
(no terry, microfiber or paper)
one 32-64 oz or 2-25 oz liquid
laundry detergent,
one 16-34 oz liquid disinfectant
dish soap,
one 12-40 oz household cleaner
that can be mixed with water,
one pkg 36-50 clothespins,
one 50-100 ft clothesline,
five dust masks,
two pair heavy duty dish-washing


Providing buckets of supplies is a
way of caring when one cannot physically go to the
recovery as some have done in the past.
Roger Dart has been the Disaster
Response Coordinator for the Illinois Conference of
the United Church of Christ for many years. When a
disaster occurs he is able to with the supplies that
are gathered in these buckets, on behalf of CWS and
the United Church of Christ, fulfill some of the
needs of disaster victims quickly.

On Sunday, May 29, 2022, Dart will attend the
worship services at St. John United Church of Christ
where the membership and friends will present him
with the total collected for this Relief Project.
All services at St. John United Church of Christ,
204 Seventh Street in Lincoln are held at 10:00 a.m.
each Sunday and are open to the public. They are
also available virtually at their website: or on the Facebook
Page: St John UCC Lincoln.
Any questions call Laurie Hill, pastor, at the
church – 217-732-6957.
[Tonita Reifsteck] |