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Dear aldermen and alderwomen of the Lincoln City
Council:I watched the city council
proceedings with interest this past week in anticipation of the
agenda item relating to the request for $2,500.00 from Hotel/ Motel
Tax Fund for the Juneteenth Celebration. I wish to share my extreme
disappointment and ask you to reassess your decision.
As a reminder, just a few years ago the city council approved,
authorized, and assigned the Diversity and Inclusion Commission with
the task to create incentives and programming to increase the
awareness and appreciation for diversity of all kinds within our
community. I was proud to play a role in realizing this needed
commission, and was happy to see that the commission’s members
immediately and fervently took the tasks they were given to heart.
My last few months on the council in 2021 witnessed the exciting
planning for a Juneteenth celebration which took place last year,
and which was very successful by all accounts. I wonder how many on
the council bothered to attend the event.

I understand the council is not obligated to carry out the requests
even of its own commissions. I have no issue with that. What I have
an issue with in this case is the seeming lack of appreciation for
what Juneteenth is, and how the lack of a vote conveys a tremendous
disregard for our city’s participation in commemorating this event.
I relay to you some reminders and observations:
1. This request was for use of hotel/motel tax money, which is not
subsidized by local taxpayers.
2. The reason the request was rejected was not based on the lack of
available hotel/motel tax money, as according to budget numbers
there are sufficient funds for this event and others.
[to top of second column in this letter] |

3. Juneteenth is a NATIONAL holiday. Thus, Juneteenth
sits alongside July 4th, Memorial Day, Labor Day or any other
holiday in its importance. Assume some veterans came before the
council and wanted to have an event, would you not even second the
motion and vote on it? Would you simply chalk veterans as some
demographic which doesn’t represent the majority population, and not
even second the motion? Would you consider a veterans’ event as not
worthy of funding? I HIGHLY doubt you would answer yes to those
questions. And if you would approve a veterans’ event or a July 4th
event, you should likewise highly consider and vote on a community
Juneteenth event.
Not even bothering to second the motion for this request – so as to
invite the opportunity to discuss and vote on the item – sends a
strong and clear message. It conveys the message that the city
council does not deem Juneteenth as important enough, nor desires no
role in helping an event which celebrates a national holiday.
Juneteenth commemorates freedom. I thought we were all champions of
freedom. But sadly and most detrimental, not even seconding this
motion signals the lack of concern for minority voices and blatant
disregard for the egregious struggles past and present that our
fellow citizens have borne and carry still.
It is not too late. I implore the Lincoln City Council to revisit
this request at its next committee as a whole meeting. I encourage
you to bring the request back to the table, discuss it, and at least
give some monetary support as a sign of unity, solidarity, harmony,
and commonality.
Thank you all for your service to the namesake city of Abraham
Lincoln – the city named for the man who signed the Emancipation
Proclamation – the act which led to Juneteenth.
Thank you,
Ron Keller
Lincoln, IL [Posted
April 21,
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