Germanfest returns to Lincoln via Boy Scout Troop 102
and St. John United Church of Christ


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[November 03, 2022]     Send a link to a friend  Share

On Saturday mid-day, those craving an authentic German meal had to look no further than the St. John United Church of Christ in Lincoln.

The church was once the home of an annual Germanfest event every October, but a few years ago had to give it up. This year the local Boy Scout Troop 102, which St. John UCC sponsors, revived the old tradition as a fundraiser for the scouts.

Scout leader Jason Maxheimer said that the church suggested that the scouts take over the lost tradition and bring it back to life as a fundraiser. He noted that the troop already does the spring Pulled Pork meal at the Knights of Columbus, and the Germanfest will now be the second large fundraiser for the local scouts.

He noted the day was planned to be very similar to the original, with only a few differences, starting with the brats served. That meat was sourced from a local provider, MKS Livestock of Lincoln. The red cabbage was substituted with sauerkraut, but the authentic German Potato Salad was still the same.

In addition to the traditional menu, hot dogs were available for those who desired something tamer. There was also a wide variety of desserts made available to customers.

Guests could pick up a meal in the drive-thru service in the St. John UCC parking lot, or they could dine inside the church while visiting with family and friends.

The meat was grilled outside, and the aroma attracted guests as they arrived at the church on Saturday.

Many were heard commenting that it was nice to see an old tradition return with new, young blood taking the reins and carrying it forward.

Darlene Begolka of the St. John UCC said the church was happy to see the kids take on the event and grow it in the future. She noted that at some point down the road, the church might add companion fundraisers at the event, but the meal will be all for the scouts.

Pictures by Karen Hargis








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