WEEKLY Cards & Table Games
(the FUN stuff!)
Monday/Weds/Friday - Pinochle 12pm-3pm
Tuesday - Mahjong 12pm-2pm
Tuesday - Dinner 5:00pm - Bingo 6:30pm (Menu to be posted on
Tuesdays on the Oasis Senior Center FB Page)
Weds/Friday - Euchre & Spades 10am-12pm
Thursday - Free Bingo 1-2pm
Other Services
Benefit Access - Tuesdays - Income eligible seniors could be
eligible for a Secretary of State License Plate Discount. Call the
Oasis or stop in to get an appointment.
Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs - October 4th &
October 18th from 9-3pm - Call the Patrick McFadden at the VA at
217-362-6645 to schedule an appointment. The Oasis will HOST the
appointment, but the VA does their own scheduling.
Diabetic Shoes - Medicare can assist diabetics in getting
therapeutic shoes. Prescription from the doctor needed. Call the
Oasis or stop in to get an appointment.
Senior Food Bank - October 13th 10am-11:30am - no proof of
income is required; we will have food for seniors in need in the

Caregiver Support Group -October 18th at 1:30pm - Hosted at
the Oasis, this group is open to people with a diagnosis,
caregivers, and people concerned about a future diagnosis.
Legal Aid -October 19th from 9am-3:00pm - Legal Aide will be
available onsite for scheduled appointments. Call the Oasis or stop
in to schedule an appointment.
[to top of second
column] |
 Social Security -
October 20th 1:00-3:00pm - Assistance in accessing Social Security
Info available online: examples include Applying for benefits, see
what benefits one is eligible for, change of address, replace
Medicare card. Call the Oasis or stop in to get an appointment.
Medicare 101 - October 3rd at 3:30pm. Call the Oasis or stop
in, to get added to the list for the class.
Fitness Events
Line Dancing - Every Wednesday through October and November,
Line Dancing Classes will be held at the Oasis from 10-11:30am. Call
the Oasis to register.
Silver Fox Fitness - Ever Monday & Wednesday at 4:15pm,
Georgia Allison provides Yoga and Cardio classes for seniors. Some
seniors eligible for discount if a member of SilverSneakers. Call
the Oasis for more information or to get registered.
Fundraising Events
October 26th - Culvers Fundraiser from 5-8:00pm - 10% of all sales
that night will be given to the Oasis.
Day Trips
Saturday October 9th - Sugar Creek Arts Festival in Bloomington -
Call or stop in to sign-up.
Thursday October 20th & Saturday October 22nd - Dinner Theatre show
at The Barn III - showing A Party to Murder - limited seats
available. Call the Oasis or stop in to sign up.
Saturday October 15th from 5-7pm, the Oasis is hosting a Scarecrow
Fest and Trunk-or-Treat.
The Oasis will welcome any other
local businesses or organizations that wish to participate in this
fun evening designed for the young and the young at heart. For
more information please call 217-732-6132.
[Amber Davis] |