Hosted by EAA Chapter 1420 the
club is expecting astronomers and telescopes from at least three
area astronomy clubs including the University of Illinois
students who helped found the event originally.
Dan Son of the Peoria Astronomy Club said his group expected to
be there with several telescopes and experienced sky watchers to
give tours of the night sky.
Son said they will be able to share something even if it is
partly cloudy.
“We will be there as long as it is not completely overcast and
not raining,” he said.
Until the moon rises at 11:30 p.m., visitors will have a good
opportunity to see planets and what Son described as “deep sky fuzzies” -
globular clusters, galaxies and more.
Area residents planning to attend should arrive between 7 and
7:30 p.m. Telescopes will be set up and there will be things to see early on.
Those planning on flying in for the airport event should arrive by 6 p.m., as
airport lights will be turned off for this event.
The airport is six miles south of Havana just off of Route 97 on the same road
as the dragstrip and is well marked. Watch for signs.
For more information email
evanhoughton87 or call 309
[Text provided by Wendy Martin]