The 2022 Non-residential Hardship Program provides a
one-time credit to qualifying small business and nonprofit 501(c)(3)
organizations. The organization must have an active Ameren Illinois
electric account and be experiencing a hardship.
If eligible, this assistance will be applied to your Ameren Illinois
electric account in the form of a one-time credit, up to $500. The
deadline for this grant is September 30th or until funds are
To apply, complete and sign the application and return both pages.
Incomplete applications will not be considered. You can email, fax
or mail the completed application to Ameren Illinois, as shown
Email: or Fax:
1.217.424.6496 (email or fax is recommended to prevent delay)
Mailing Address:
Ameren Illinois
Attn: Energy Assistance A-10
PO Box 2543
Decatur, IL 62525
learn about energy savings opportunities for small businesses
and nonprofits, visit
[Text provided by Angrea Runge,
