Faith is
not just something we say. It is not just felt! It
can be seen! I love the old Indiana Jones movie
where he is required to step out in faith onto an
invisible bridge over a deep chasm. He discovers
rather quickly that a little dirt on the path will
show the way and confirm his suspicions of an unseen
bridge. It’s such a great illustration of walking by
faith. We can’t see what’s ahead, but we have to
believe that God has made a way and that He will
show it to us.Walking by
faith means living like there’s more to life than
the eye can see. A life of faith recognizes that
what we can’t see is more real, more true, and more
powerful than what we can see with our own two eyes.
The problem is that we use our physical eyes to
judge everything. If I can’t see it or touch it, I
question if it’s real or not. We’re not used to
opening our spiritual eyes and seeing with faith.
When the Hebrew writer says, “Let
us fix our eyes on Jesus,” (12:2) that can’t be done
with physical eyes so the writer must be talking
about spiritual eyes. Faith is trusting what the eye
cannot see!
Eyes see our enemy approaching and our backs against
the sea; faith sees the water parting and our
journey across on dry ground.

 Eyes see the walls of Jericho too tall to scale;
faith sees the walls tumbling down.
Eyes see storms; faith sees Jesus calming the
Eyes see a dead body; faith sees an empty tomb.
Eyes see our faults; faith sees our Savior.
Eyes see our guilt; faith sees his cleansing blood.
Eyes look in the mirror and see a sinner, a
failure; but faith looks in the mirror and sees a robed prodigal
bearing the ring of grace on our finger and the kiss of our Father
on our face.
Eyes see an empty tomb; but faith sees Jesus
I think there’s a good chance I spend too much
time focused on what I can see and not what God can do.
Jesus once said, “With man it is impossible, but
not with God. With God, all things are possible.” Prayer today:
Lord, help me to not focus on my troubles, but help me to fix my
eyes on Jesus. Amen!
Ron Otto, preaching minister at
Lincoln Christian Church |