The Illinois Office of Broadband and its mapping vendor,
Connected Nation, are using the mapping efforts to provide
internet access to hard to reach areas and make best use of all
available federal broadband funds.
Ashley Hitt, vice president of GeoAnalytics at Connected Nation,
said they are updating the state broadband maps with the most
accurate, detailed data possible.
“Being able to aggregate all of that together, then being able
to run some estimates on the number of served and underserved
households there are across the state, so that way we can then
look county-by-county and see which counties are the least
connected that may need more assistance,” Hitt said.
The Federal Communications Commission recently announced that it
was authorizing around $800 million for the Rural Digital
Opportunity Fund for six providers to expand broadband in 19
states, including Illinois, which received the largest amount at
$212 million.
“This round of funding supports projects using a range of
network technologies, including gigabit service hybrid
fiber/fixed wireless deployments that will provide end-user
locations with either fiber or fixed wireless network service
using licenses spectrum,” the FCC said in a news release.
Funding is being provided in the form of low-interest loans from
the Department of Agriculture as part of the ReConnect program.
Egyptian Telephone Cooperative Association will receive a $25
million loan to hook up residences, businesses and farms in
southern Illinois to high-speed internet.
It is part of $502 million in loans and grants the USDA awarded
to 20 states for dozens of projects that will provide 100
megabits per second (Mbps) download speeds to rural homes and
“Upload and download speeds simply don’t allow for multiple uses
at home, don’t accommodate distance learning and telemedicine
and don't allow businesses to expand market opportunities and
would not allow farmers the opportunity for precision
agriculture,” USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack said.
Kevin Bessler reports on statewide issues in
Illinois for the Center Square. He has over 30 years of
experience in radio news reporting throughout the Midwest.
