Lincoln Community Theatre “Honk!” auditions for
adults and youth to be held April 21-22
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[April 21, 2023]
Adults and youth entering third grade and up
are invited to audition for the LCT summer production of “Honk!”
Auditions will be held Friday April 21st from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. and
Saturday, April 22nd from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at St. John United Church
of Christ located at 204 7th St. in Lincoln. |
should be prepared to sing “Silent Night”, read from the script, and
learn a short dance routine. Actors can sign up to audition at
“I am thrilled for LCT to produce a family friendly show that allows
actors of all ages to share their talent,” said David Helm, director
of Honk!
“Honk!” is a musical based on one of the world's favorite fairy
tales, Hans Christian Andersen's The Ugly Duckling. Ugly is born as
a Duckling but it soon becomes clear that he is no ordinary Duck.
Mocked on the farmyard, pursued by the ever-hungry Cat, Ugly finds
himself lost on a nearby marsh in the middle of a duck-shoot and
embarks on an odyssey through the countryside, meeting a battery of
colorful characters and finding himself, and love, along the way.
Complete with music, choreography, and lots of laughs, it’s fun for
the whole family. [to top of second

“LCT is excited to have David
Helm directing our all-ages musical this summer. He always
brings big energy and lots of laughs to our productions. The
actors in this show are going to have a lot of fun,” explained
LCT President Sheralyn Bolton. “Shows like this are a great
chance to give theater a try. Some families even choose to
participate together; there are plenty of opportunities to get
involved both on the stage and behind the scenes.”
Honk! performances will run July 20-23 at the Lincoln Community
High School auditorium.
Founded in 1972, Lincoln Community Theatre brings live theater
to Lincoln, and the surrounding community through performances,
youth workshops and local events. Everyone, regardless of
experience, is invited to participate both on stage and behind
the scenes. For more information about how to get involved,
[Lisa Kuhlman/Tammy Dietrich]