Mother Nature wreaks havoc on Earth Day activities
Volunteers at city wide trash pick-up day in Lincoln brave the conditions to help clean up the town

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[April 24, 2023]   Saturday, April 22nd was Earth Day. It was also a day when Mother Nature pulled out all the stops in an attempt to thwart outdoor plans.

Why she was being so spiteful is something only she can know. While her nastiness may have slowed down a few people it did not stop them from doing what they needed to do for a city-wide trash pick-up day.

The day began cold with temperatures only at about 40-degrees. It was also windy, as Scott Turner will attest when he watched his tent in Latham Park go summer-salting across the park until it was caught and held by a tree.

The trash pick-up day was hosted by Turner and was an open invitation for the people of the community to come together, then go out to all the entry points into the city and pick up trash in the right of ways.

There were several who came to the park between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. to get signed up to go out and clean up the city. While waiting to get on one of the buses that would take them to different entry points in the city, the volunteers enjoyed warm beverages and fresh donuts.

According to Turner the buses left Latham Park a little early as it was clear that there were not going to be any late arrivals to the event. The buses delivered volunteers to Illinois Route 121 near Chester East Lincoln, North Kickapoo Street, the West end of Woodlawn Road, and the south end of Lincoln Parkway and other parts of the city.

Around the town, volunteers were seen filling trash bags.

Before the morning was completed, Mother Natured had delivered sprinkles that turned to sleet and then to snow. The winds stayed high, and the temperatures stayed low. The only talent the old lady did not display was her ability to deliver a warm, sunny day on Earth Day.

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Lincoln Mayor Tracy Welch with wife Annette teamed up with Scott and Gaynor Goodman to clean up the median between North Kickapoo and Lincoln Parkway north of Graue Chevrolet. Welch noted that it was cold, but on the bright side, he recalled that the last time the event was held it rained and everyone was soaking wet. So in other words, it could have been worse.

At the end of the two-hour clean up session, volunteers came back to Latham Park where they had the opportunity for a free lunch. Turner said the original plan had been to also have live music until about 1 p.m. on Saturday. However, due to the nasty conditions, he opted to cancel the band.

Even though Mother Nature delivered less than ideal conditions, the volunteers managed to pick up quite a bit of trash in the city right of ways.

Turner was not disappointed by the work that was done.

The city-wide trash pick-up day is held every two years. So, those who would like to be a part of this community drive, could mark their calendars now for April 2025 and make a personal promise to come out and help the next time around.

[Nila Smith]


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