After being signed into law Wednesday, the Grandparents Raising
Grandchildren program will run from Jan. 1, 2024, through Jan.
1, 2027, and will begin in Will County, but could expand
statewide in the future.
State Sen. Meg Cappel, D-Shorewood, said the program aims to
bridge the gap between grandparents and the state agencies
offering assistance.
“Not only are we helping caretakers but we are helping the
children,” said Cappel. “We want our students and our kids to
succeed. With this, they will be able to pave the way toward a
bright future so they can achieve their goals and thrive in
every opportunity they have.”
The Illinois Department on Aging, which has been actively
supporting older caregivers since 1996, will play a vital role
in the program.
The pilot includes raising awareness about several programs,
including the Extended Family Support Program administered by
the Illinois Department of Child and Family Services, and the
Children Health Insurance Program administered by the Illinois
Department of Healthcare and Family Services.
“Caregivers will be able to talk with a real person who’s an
expert at navigating state agencies, meaning families get
connected with resources quickly and efficiently,” IDoA Director
Paula Basta said in a statement. “This pilot program will have
multigenerational benefits, and the Department on Aging is
excited to help it get off the ground in Will County.”
For more information on the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Program, caregivers are encouraged to contact the Senior
HelpLine or their local Agency on Aging.
