The morning began with the Black Angus breed
showing in three weight categories, light, medium and heavy. Among
the three weight classes there were four animals shown by three
youth. Sophia Goodman had an entry in both the light and heavy
weight classes. Nate Davis and Kennadie Finchum showed in the medium
weight class. Goodman won the champion banner with Finchum taking
the reserve.
In the Herford class there were three exhibitors with three animals
in the light and heavy weight classes and no entry in the medium
Brenden Wurth showed in the light with Aden Wurth and Madison Wurth
showing in the heavy weight. Madison took the champion banner with
Brenden coming in as reserve.
Next up was the Shorthorn breed with only two participants. Porter
Schwantz showed in the medium weight class and Grayson Foran was the
sole exhibitor in the heavy weight class. Foran was awarded Champion
with Schwantz taking reserve.

The Semmental breed saw three exhibitors with four
animals shown. Porter Schwantz doubled up with an entry in both the
light and medium weight classes. Emma Eeten also had an entry in the
medium class and Rohan Allspach was the sole exhibitor in the heavy
weight class. Schwatnz ruled the day in the Semmental breed taking
both the champion and reserve champion banners.
The 2023 Logan County Fair 4-H Steer Show became much more
interesting and exciting when the last class of the day was shown.
The Crossbred/All Other Breeds/Non-papered category brought in the
most exhibitor and animal duos of the show.

In the light weight class Nate Davis, Kame Komnick
and Jess Werts all three showed steers. In the medium weight class
there were four exhibitors, Jacob Lawrence, Haylee Werts, Joy Werts,
and Henry Zieglowsky. In these first two weight classes judge Cody
Hadden had his work cut out for him as the animals were all top
notch and each one was deserving of the first place finish.
[to top of second column] |

In the heavy weight class, Clay Aylesworth got the
attention of everyone in the barn when he led in a stunning, 1,300+
pound, blonde steer. The animal was thick and square with an arrow
straight back and legs that looked like tree trunks. Aylesworth was
well practiced with the steer and the showmanship was good. Even the
untrained eye of the spectator in the audience had this steer pegged
as the best of the best.
Other exhibitors in the heavy weight class also had remarkable
animals. Those exhibitors included Kennadie Finchum, Paige Finchum,
Grayson Foran and Beau Tschantz.
Aylesworth earned champion Cross/AOB with Foran taking the reserve.
When the championship drive came the champions from each class were
brought in to the ring to show off the animals. All the animals were
excellent, but it was still the Aylesworth steer that stood head and
shoulders above the others.

So while everyone was excited for Aylesworth during
the championship drive, there were probably not many who were
surprised when Judge Hadden stepped in to shake the young man’s hand
as the 2023 Logan County Fair 4-H Grand Champion Steer.
The reserve overall went to Grayson Foran.
In the “All British Breeds” Sophia Goodman took the champion with
Grayson Foran earning reserve.
Kennadie Finchum was also recognized for the Top Rate of Gain Steer
from the 2022 scramble calves.
[Nila Smith] |