Mt. Pulaski Chief of Police
Reminder to residents of changes in trash ordinances

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[August 11, 2023] 

I want to inform you of some of the New Ordinance that have been made due to the curb side trash service with GFL

Ordinance Chapter 3

Garbage and Refuse Section 7-3-1: 8 and 9

8.) Temporary Storage and Accumulation of Refuse. Refuse may be temporarily stored at the point of collection only while awaiting regularly scheduled removal. Temporary storage shall only be permitted in approved containers and shall not exceed 48 hours in length. Allowing Refuse to accumulate in a non- approved container or for longer than 48 hours prior to scheduled removal is expressly prohibited and subject to citation for ordinance violation.

9.) Storage of Approved Container. Approved containers shall at all times be stored within or adjacent to the residence in a location which does not front or face any public street, except when placed at the point of collection prior to scheduled removal. An approved container may be stored in a location which fronts or faces an alley.

[to top of second column]

I know curb side is a new way of service for some, however in order to keep our community safe and clean we all need to do our part.

I appreciate all that you do and if you have any questions, Please reach out to me.

Mt. Pulaski Police Department (217)-792-5018 or

Anthony L West
Chief of Police

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