news is good news”…you have probably heard someone say that phrase
and maybe even said it yourself. Perhaps it is true in the waiting
room while a loved one is in surgery or when you are awaiting test
results, and they tell you if you don’t hear from us everything is
But what about when it is not? Those moments of uncertainty when you
have more questions than answers. Or those moments when you
desperately need an answer…something and the silence is deafening?
The world was waiting for 400 years…what we call the “silent years”,
the time between the Old Testament and the New Testament. God, where
are you?...crickets.

Then the announcement came. “And the angel said unto
them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good news of great joy,
which shall be to all people.” (Luke 2:10) What?!? Good News. The
very first Christmas was announced, and it was coming with Good
News…the best news! The world sure needed some good news then…and it
really needs it now.
Christmas is all about Good News. “Bah humbug you say.” Actually,
without Christmas, there would be no Good News. Let me take a moment
of your time and share with you some real-life stories where Good
News was experienced and then give you an invitation to come
experience it for yourself.
I just returned from a mission trip in Lima, Peru where so many
experienced the Good News I am writing about. Let me take a moment
to share about a young lady who experienced the Good News of a Fresh
Start, a second chance, a new beginning. As I was praying for people
at the altar, the Lord gave me a word for her from Him. As I shared
the word, she wept holding on to my hand as one holding on for dear
life as she experienced the healing power of Jesus healing deep
wounds from the past and giving her a fresh start.

Recently Wendy and I were in the waiting room of a
hospital with some dear friends as one of their family members, a
precious friend of ours was in surgery to remove an aneurysm. So
many had been praying for a miracle…for Good News. The doctor came
out and said, “the man upstairs must have been listening. I took
over 50 photos from every angle and THERE IS NO ANEURYSM! It is a
[to top of second column] |

A few Sundays ago as I was greeting people in the
lobby after church a mom and daughter came to me with tears in their
eyes and joy on their face. We want to get baptized! They
experienced the Good News of Salvation that day and were baptized
the next Sunday!
For some, this time of year is a difficult time. It is all you can
do to make it through the holidays, not even thinking it possible to
actually enjoy them. I have Good News for you and it comes with a
personal invitation. We would love to share Good News with you each
Sunday (10 a.m.) of December.
• December 3 – Good News to those who are Fearful – in a world full
of war and uncertainty, you can experience the Peace you have always
longed for.

• December 10 – Good News to those who are Sad,
depressed, discouraged…and feel you just don’t know if you can make
it – Christmas can be a very difficult time for many – 1st time
without a loved one; not enough money to buy presents or travel to
be with family; unresolved conflict between family or friends…just
• December 17 – Good News for those who are Anxious – worried about
the future…worried about kids…overwhelmed.
• December 24 – Good News to those who Feel Alone – no one to share
the holidays with…or even in a room full of people still feeling
I am so thankful God broke the Silence with Good News of Great Joy
for ALL PEOPLE…yes ALL, that means you. This Christmas come
experience the GOOD NEWS!