2023 Christmas Worship Guide

With Malice toward None, with Charity for All
By Dr. John Castelein

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[December 19, 2023]  When President Lincoln gave our town his name, he also imparted some of his spirit to its inhabitants. That spirit is manifested throughout his entire life and in many of his speeches, but nowhere as clearly expressed as on March 4, 1865, in his magnificent Second Inaugural Address.

As the Civil War came to its bloody conclusion, the president showed the nation his heart and called for reconciliation in our wounded nation with these immortal words: “With malice toward none, with charity for all . . ..”

We rightly give special tribute to the birthdays of great human beings, and, among them, Abraham Lincoln does indeed rank very high. However, the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas time receives unequaled devotion and reverence. Significantly, Lincoln quotes Jesus twice in this short address (along with other biblical references). I think his profound sufferings as president and his deep reflections on the Will of God throughout the fratricidal war enabled the president to say with our Lord: “Not our will be done but Thy Will be done” (Matt 26:38-42)!

In turn, becoming fully human, with all its creaturely limitations (Hebrews 4:15; 5:7-8), enabled the Lord Jesus to affirm the president’s insight: “The Almighty has His own purposes.” He humbly prayed: “not my will but Thine be done” (Luke 22:42).

Christmas is about the mysterious juxtaposition of charity and malice! Christmas dramatizes God’s charity toward humanity amid King Herod’s malice toward the children born in Bethlehem (Matt 2:16). Today we read the same stories of vicious slaughter and see the same images of mangled children’s as we watch the war between Israel and Hamas and between Russia and Ukraine.

World events, national, and even local developments, convince us that we as individuals alone cannot overcome the evil in the world even when we commit to live lives of love, sacrifice, and benevolence.

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However, the spirit of Abraham Lincoln in our shared history, and the Spirit of Jesus Christ in our hearts and minds, enable us to contribute to the coming of God’s Kingdom on earth. That is what the angels sang at Jesus’ birth and that we today sing in our worship: “Glory to God in the highest; good will to men!” (Luke 2:14).

For many years I have lived in Lincoln unaware of the charity of so many of my neighbors. I now have become aware of so much of the goodwill and compassion that guide so many generous people in our town. President Lincoln’s hope that we show malice to none but have charity for all is alive and well in our charitable organizations and fundraising events. While concerned for the health of our town, including the closing of our college and our university, Lincoln would be proud of the sacrifices made by so many to help their neighbors and friends!

The Lord Jesus Christ has told us what is good: “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31). Lincoln has told us what is good: “To ease another’s burden is to forget one’s own.” That is the secret at the heart of Christmas-giving!

Therefore, more than the bright lights, the festive trees, the joyful carols, the cute cards, and the thoughtful gifts, you and I can celebrate Christmas by exposing and rejecting malice in our intentions toward any and embracing charity and compassion in our intentions for all!

Read all the articles in our new
2023 Christmas Worship Guide

Light 4
Good News 6
Are We the Innkeepers? 8
Gifts 10
With Malice Toward None, with Charity For All 14
Inside View of the Incarnation 18
Holiday Worship Guide 22

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