Mt. Pulaski teenager makes his mark in the rodeo world, finishing ninth in a world-wide competition

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[December 27, 2023]    At the young age of fifteen, Mt. Pulaski’s Zeke Wakeman is already making a name for himself in the rodeo world.

Wakeman has been competing in the National Junior High Rodeo Association (NJHRA) for the past four years and has worked very hard. Laura Wakeman, Zeke’s mother, said he first got involved with the rodeo after taking riding lessons with his friend Peyton, also of Mount Pulaski.

Both Zeke and Peyton have spent hours practicing throwing ropes to prepare for competitions. Laura Wakeman said her son has felt very comfortable doing these events. Zeke participates in clinics at an arena in Sheridan, which is near Chicago. He has also participated in events in Monticello, and nearby Delavan.

Two events Zeke has participated in are team roping and chute dogging.

In team roping, two mounted riders must rope a steer around both the front of the steer [usually the horns] and its hind feet. Laura Wakeman said Zeke has been the header in the team roping competitions, which means he has to rope the front of the steer. He then must use his horse to turn the steer to the left so the heeler can rope its hind feet. The event is timed with the header receiving the points.

In chute dogging, the competitor attempts to bring a steer to a line ten feet from a chute then wrestle the steer to the ground.

All the hard work Zeke has put into practicing for competitions has paid off. This past season, Zeke placed first in Illinois for his chute dogging, which qualified him to participate in the NJHRA Nationals in Perry, Georgia. He also participated in team roping at the Nationals.

The NJHRA Nationals was an eight day event with people from all over the world coming from as far away as Argentina and Australia. Laura said she was shocked by the number of people at the Nationals. The venue for the competition is so large that she said people travel through the stalls by golf cart.

After winning multiple rounds of chute dogging, Zeke made it to the top 20 and was able to compete in the “Short Go,” which is the final round of competitions.

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In the Short Go at the National event, Zeke placed ninth in the world! He was able to rope the steer in just over three seconds.

While Zeke was competing at the NJHRA Nationals, he celebrated his 15th birthday on June 18th. Placing ninth in the competition was a nice birthday present for him.

One unfortunate thing that happened right before the finals was Zeke cutting his thumb. The night before the competition, he had to get seven stitches in his thumb. Thankfully, the injury did not prevent him from competing and doing very well.

Now that Zeke is in high school, he will be competing in the National High School Rodeo Association (NHSRA). Currently, he is on a break from competing until spring.

Even during the off-season, Zeke keeps busy, helping transport livestock to Texas.

Those competing in the rodeo events become like a family. Sadly, Zeke lost his father several years ago. Laura said it has been great to see several men who have stepped in to help Zeke at the competitions.

Though Zeke has only been competing for four years, he has been making a great showing since he began competing. In his first year, Zeke’s mom said he won the sportsmanship buckle.

Not only does Zeke Wakeman excel in rodeo events, but he is also a great student and all-around good kid.

[Angela Reiners with photos provided by Laura Wakeman]


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