Lutheran School students in grades K - 8 are now taking the MAPS
Skill Testing in Reading, Math and Language Arts. It is to be taken
three times a year: September, January and April. The purpose of the
testing is to assess the skill levels of the students in each of
these areas. The first test is a base line and future tests help
show the growth of the students in the subject areas.
Students in grades K - 8 met with their teachers and set goals after
each testing session. The students review with their teachers the
test results, revisit goals set after the preceding test, analyze
the achievement of the goals, and set new goals for the next testing
Teachers will analyze the test scores for the whole class, as well
as for the individual students. This allows the teacher to review
the presentation of the overall curriculum for the entire class,
determine what areas need to be stressed for those students who may
not have mastered some of the necessary skills, and challenge those
students who have attained the necessary skills and provide
curriculum that will provide more growth for each individual
[to top of second column] |

A family report is sent home to
every parent. The report is a summary of academic performance,
defines achievement and growth, explains the scoring, and gives
the parent a sample of questions that they can ask their child’s
teacher. These questions help parents know how they can
reinforce the child’s learning at home, the curriculum, as well
as understand the child’s mastery of grade level standards.
The testing will be used to track student growth at Zion
Lutheran School and be a basis for a School Improvement Plan.
This type of plan is critical for the school and assures that
the excellent education provided at Zion Lutheran School
[Text provided by Jodie Merritt] |