Imagine with
me: an evening in our home, two grandkids, Papa and
Bonbon, and a storm. There were loud booms of the
thunder and bright flashes of lightning and two
little, scared kids cuddled up to my wife. I sat
alone and across the room (no one cared to cuddle
and calm me. Grandma Bonbon doing her best to still
the anxiety of our grandchildren, suddenly spoke a
contrast into their young minds. “You guys are
scared, but look at Papa, he’s not scared. Don’t you
want to be more like Papa?” To which the youngest
answered, “No way…he’s old!” (I’ll remember that,
kid, when your birthday rolls around!)
Jesus, the master storyteller, often used contrast
to make his point. Much of his life in the Gospel of
Luke is a story that moves from one contrast to
another. For example, during a dinner, Simon the
Pharisee, with all his pride and judgment, is
suddenly contrasted by a sinful woman who is broken
and humble. Jesus often used contrasting figures to
teach us to put a mirror up against us and ask us,
“Which one is more like you?” It is a master way of
More? Jesus’ use of light versus darkness. Good and
evil! Things of worth versus things that are
worthless. The wise and foolish builder . . . one
builds on rock and one on sand. (Is there anyone
reading this that thinks this is going to work out
for the builder on the sand?) Jesus used these
contrasts to make his sayings more vivid and
memorable. He also uses them to add layers of subtle

Another example would be the two thieves
on the cross. One is trying to side with the crowds by joining their verbal
abuse of Jesus. The other wants to connect to Jesus and get the life after.
Following the crowd is contrasted with standing apart from others. “Which one is
more like you?”
There are several more. Why does Jesus do this? Why is this needed for my
spiritual journey? Our February and March series will answer these questions.
This series on “Contrast” will take us deep into the teachings of Jesus, and
hopefully change us in profound ways. My excitement level is high for this
Please join us!
Ron Otto, Preaching Minister at Lincoln Christian Church