According to the small business network Alignable, a higher
number of small businesses are saying that their cash reserves
are dwindling.
Head Researcher Chuck Casto said 38% of small businesses
nationwide say they have only one month or less of cash reserves
right now. The figure is up 12 percentage points from December
“Cash flow is very important because a business needs a healthy
cash flow to stay in business,” Casto said, adding that Illinois
numbers are comparable to the national figures.
“One-third of the small businesses from Illinois that we polled
said that they only had one month or less of cash flow, so that
was alarming, certainly in Illinois,” Casto said. “That is a
significant number.”
The holiday shopping season wasn't as brisk as predicted by
some. Sixty-four percent of those polled said consumer spending
was down in December compared to November.
Only 21% of small businesses said they have fully recovered
financially, making as much or more than they did on a monthly
basis prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. That is down 22 percentage
points from December 2021 when it was 43%.
According to the report, small businesses continue to face
challenges paying their rent. In Illinois, 33% reported that
they couldn’t pay their December rent on time and in full. That
is an increase of 5% over December 2021.
Restaurants topped the list, with 52% nationwide reporting rent
Kevin Bessler reports on statewide issues in
Illinois for the Center Square. He has over 30 years of
experience in radio news reporting throughout the Midwest.
