Ribbon Cut

Modern Brake and Alignment celebrates a new chapter in its history

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[January 06, 2023]   On Saturday morning a sizeable crowd gathered to witness a ribbon cutting event at Modern Brake and Alignment in Lincoln. Earlier this year a change of ownership from Kevin Ray to his daughter Libby and her husband Tim Canady began. Now, the new owners feel they are ready to celebrate this milestone event.

Tim and Libby will be the third generation to take on ownership of the family-owned business with the fourth generation waiting in the wings.

Modern Brake and Alignment opened in 1964 with the late Ivan Ray being the founder and owner of the business. The business was located along the Route 66 corridor that passes through the city via Keokuk and Logan Streets. Libby said that it later moved to the current address at 1000 Commercial Park in Lincoln. She said she remembered as a little girl the ribbon cutting that was held when the business moved.

On Saturday morning, before the ribbon cutting there was a very emotional passing of the keys from Kevin to Tim and Libby with Kevin’s wife Linda and the Canady children, Carter and Lauren looking on.

A few minutes later a group including the Ray’s, Canady’s, Logan County Fair Queen Emma Stoltzenburg and Little Miss Logan County Luci Bobell, Lincoln City Clerk Peggy Bateman and Alderman Sam Downs gathered behind the ribbon for the official ceremony.

Kevin was called on to speak first and he too recalled the ribbon cutting in 1980 to celebrate the move into the new address. He said that Libby was just a little thing and actually cut the ribbon. Kevin then took over the business in 2003 and said for the last 25 years and more, it had been a great pleasure to serve the customers and be a part of this community. He said he was looking forward to seeing Tim and Libby take the business and “make it bigger and better.”

Libby was called on to speak on behalf of herself and Tim. She thanked everyone for coming and helping celebrate this new chapter in the history of Modern Brake and then said it was time to move on to what everyone was there for.

Downs spoke on behalf of the city saying the city appreciated the longevity of the business, and the commitment of the Canady’s to keep it moving forward. He wished them luck and success for many years to come.

Before snipping the ribbon, the fourth generation was introduced. Carter and Lauren are young adults and already involved in the business. Libby said that Lauren would be the tech person and Carter was going to be in the garage.

When the speakers were finished the countdown led to the snip with Carter and Lauren Canady doing the honors.

After the cut, everyone was invited to stay for the open house that would last until early afternoon. The grills were cooking hot dogs and brats and sides were offered inside the garage.

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Tables were set up for folks to sit down to eat and there was a cake that represented the combine activities of the day with a ribbon and scissor on top tier and the words “happy retirement” on the bottom tier.

There were free gifts and also a large number of door prizes to be drawn for later. Included in the door prizes, as promised, was the three little yellow fellows that had been sold at the Pink Pumpkin Fundraiser Auction in Lincoln on Thursday night.

Congratulations to the Ray’s and Canady’s. Best wishes for a happy retirement to Kevin and Linda and a very successful new chapter in the history of Modern Brake for Tim, Libby, Carter and Lauren.

[Nila Smith]

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