Roll Call, the Board entered into Executive Session to discuss items
dealing with Board self evaluation, evaluation of staff, employment,
purchase of property and collective bargaining. The Board returned
to open session at 6:13 PM.
The Board approved the Consent Agenda which included the payment of
bills, the sales tax revenue report, board minutes from December 19,
2022 and executive session minutes from December 19, 2022. The
motion passed 7-0.
There was no unfinished business from the previous meetings.
In New Business, the Board voted to keep minutes from previous
executive sessions closed with a 7-0 vote. Next, the Board voted 7-0
to postpone the approval of the Reduction in Force list to give the
union more time to review its contents.
The Board then approved MPHS Course Catalog changes to accommodate
Dual Credit Algebra. The new guidelines align with the Lincoln Land
Community College who is providing the college credit. Principal
Fricke also elaborated about other dual credit math classes. The
Board the changes approved 7-0.

A topic in the news recently has been HB 5188 concerning mandatory
sex education curriculum to all public schools. The measure passed
last summer, but offered school districts the opportunity to opt out
of the curriculum. Mt. Pulaski set a policy that specifically opted
District 23 out of using this curriculum. Over the most recent
legislative session, lawmakers were seeking to amend the bill to
once again make the curriculum mandatory for all public schools.
The Mt. Pulaski Board of Education communicated their lack of
support for any such bill. The bill failed to gain the backing
necessary for a vote and was never called to the floor.
Superintendent Lamkey will stay abreast of this bill in the event
that it resurfaces during another legislative session.
A formal announcement of MPGS Promotion and MPHS Graduation dates
was also communicated. The grade school will promote 8th grade
students on Friday, May 19th at 3 PM. High school graduation will be
the following Sunday, May 21st at 3 PM.
Superintendent Lamkey offered the Board a mid-year budget report
that reflected all funds in very good shape! All funds are under
budget, with the exception of the Building and Transportation funds
which were slightly over budget showing 53% of budget funds spent
just over halfway through the school year.
[to top of second column] |

Mr. Lamkey informed the Board
that this is not a concern nor is it uncommon as these funds
tend to have more expenditures in the first semester.
Superintendent Lamkey also reported that all funds are carrying
a balance at or above our minimum fund balance which is designed
to provide the district security in a time of financial
stress. The only fund falling under the minimum fund balance is
the Building and Grounds Fund which is still recovering from the
construction of the high school.
The Board then heard from Mr. Lamkey about his progress toward
his personal employment goals. Superintendent Lamkey has three
basic goal areas which include communication, fiscal
responsibility and instructional programming. The Board will use
this report to inform their evaluation of the superintendent.
Mr. Lamkey then proposed an opportunity for a high school track
cooperative with Lincoln Community High School. Currently, MPHS
does not have a track coach nor applicants for the position as
they anticipate fewer than 10 athletes for the upcoming season.
After a discussion between administrators from each district,
each Board took the possibility of a co-op to a vote. The
advantage for MPHS would be allowing our athletes to compete on
a competitive team, participating on a new running track and
benefitting from a larger coaching staff. After a discussion,
the motion failed to receive a second and died.
The last action items on the agenda fell in the Personnel
Report. In two separate votes, the Board approved Mackenzy Payne
as a MPGS Math Teacher and accepted the resignation of Sam Brown
as MPHS Paraprofessional and Cheer Coach. Both measures passed
7-0 and 6-0-1 respectively.
With no more business on the agenda, the Board re-entered
executive session for the purpose of the evaluation of specific
staff. They adjourned at 7:12 PM. The next meeting will be
February 22, 2023 at 5 PM in the MPGS Learning Center with the
open meeting beginning after 6 PM.
[Sarah Farris
Administrative Professional
Mount Pulaski CUSD 23]