The window in Illinois to file your 2022 state taxes will be
open from Monday, Jan. 23, until Tuesday, April 18. Maura
Kownacki, a spokesperson for IDOR, said individuals could file
on the state's website.
"We encourage taxpayers to use My Tax Illinois, our free online
program that has been recently improved," Kownacki said. "This
enhanced system allows taxpayers to file with or without an
account, pay electronically, or receive direct deposit refunds,
and receive immediate confirmation that their returns were
Kownacki said the department would review and issue refunds on a
first-come, first-serve basis.
"Taxpayers are encouraged to file electronically as early as
possible and select direct deposit in order to issue the fastest
issuance of any refund," Kownacki told The Center Square.
Those who file their tax returns early and have "issue-free"
filings could see their refunds as soon as four weeks after
filing, according to Kownacki.
According to IDOR Director David Harris, 90.3% of tax returns
were filed electronically last year, which helps stop the risk
of fraud.
"IDOR works to safeguard and protect taxpayers from identity
theft and will continue to coordinate with the IRS and other
states to strengthen protections," Harris said in a statement.
"By verifying information on tax returns before issuing refunds,
IDOR prevented over $62 million in fraudulent or erroneous
refunds from being issued in the last year alone."
Andrew Hensel reports on issues in Chicago and
Statewide. He has been with The Center Square News since April
of 2021 and was previously with The Joliet Slammers.
