The agency announced that Saturday it is officially launching a
new public website where crime statistics for Illinois can be
viewed. The program is part of the Illinois Uniform Crime
Reporting Program and adopts the National Incident Based
Reporting System to meet FBI reporting standards.
Friday, data was live that reported in Illinois a 48.7% increase
in homicides, from 628 in 2021 to 934 in 2022. That's 306 more
homicides in one year. Also reported, human trafficking was up
233% from nine in 2021 to 30 in 2022. Motor vehicle thefts were
up 155.5%, from 12,656 to 32,332.
Other crimes up triple digits included gambling, embezzlement,
extortion, animal cruelty and counterfeiting.
In a state where several high-profile bribery cases involving
elected officials have resulted in convictions with more trials
ahead, bribery was down from seven in 2021 to six in 2022,
according to ISP data.
“Illinois law enforcement agencies are mandated to report crime
data to the I-UCR Program,” the ISP announcement said Friday.
“Crime in Illinois Online will be continuously updated as the
data reported by law enforcement becomes available in the
Illinois NIBRS Repository.”
The website is Datasets on crime include crime
rate per 1,000 population in individual counties, a crime
density map, crime counts by offense and trend comparison
