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Railsplitter Covered Wagon under repair
Matthews Construction takes on building a new wagon wheel and sprucing up the wagon and Abe

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[May 27, 2023]    The world's largest covered wagon in Lincoln has been going through a complete refurbishment due in part to vandalism and the need to freshen up and restore the Rt. 66 icon.

The back of the wagon and one of the back wheels were intentionally damaged vandals and needed to be replaced. Brad Mathews Construction has been working on this project for a few weeks. The plan is to replace the back of the wagon and re-make the two back wheels.

Matthews's crew have been lovingly taking on the duty to remake the wheels searching for just the right size tree to begin curving out the hub.

After about five tries to get one just the way they wanted they began making the spokes and remaking the first of two wheels for the wagon.

Some of the other things that are being done are replacing the split rail fencing around the wagon, fixing the wagon seat, patching Abe's foot and book, staining, painting and sealing the entire wagon and Abe.

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RBC Towing assisted in efforts to take Abe off the wagon for repair. After getting the cover out and trying to put it up it was discovered that the stitching would not hold.

The company that makes the covering said 10 years was a really good time for a cover to last when out in the elements. Checking the records, the cover is ten years old, so the fact that it is coming undone is certainly understandable.

[Karen Castelein]

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