The Freelance Workers Protection Act in House Bill 1122 requires
written contracts for freelance workers and several requirements
on payment. The measure would require contracting entities to
pay freelance workers according to the terms stated in their
contract. If no such terms exist, then payment shall occur no
later than 30 days after they fulfill their obligations under a
“Freelance workers deserve the same dignity other workers
receive, including being offered the basic respect of timely
compensation for their labor,” said Cristina Pacione-Zayas,
Pacione-Zayas said according to a 2019 study, 74% of freelancers
have reported experiencing late or non-payment, and freelancers
lose, on average, $5,968 a year to wage theft.
During debate of the bill, state Sen. Steve McClure,
R-Springfield, said forcing someone to have a contract written
up to get their lawn mowed or face a $5,000 fine is absurd.
“This doesn't make any sense, and we talk all the time about
laws that cause people to move out of the state. This is the
exact type of law that causes people to move out of this state.
This is ridiculous,” McClure said.
The Independent Writers of Chicago is the latest group
denouncing the bill, joining the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce
and the Illinois Trucking Association. IWOC has penned an open
letter to the governor asking him not to sign the bill, saying
it adds needless rules that all independent contractors will
have to obey.
“This would be a copycat of California’s disastrous AB5 law that
has ruined tens of thousands of small businesses and the careers
of Independent Contractors alike. Illinois is hemorrhaging
businesses as it is. We don’t need to drive out even more,” the
letter said.
Kevin Bessler reports on statewide issues in
Illinois for the Center Square. He has over 30 years of
experience in radio news reporting throughout the Midwest.
