Summer Food program provided meals for area youth starting June 5th
Youth under the age of 18 may participate for free

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[June 26, 2023]    Lincoln Elementary School District #27 has announced it will once again be providing free lunches to children this summer as a participant of the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). SFSP is a federally funded program that provides nutritious meals during the summer months. All children 18 and under are invited to participate.

From June 5th to June 30th, the program will distribute free lunches to children 18 or younger on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Meals will be available for pick up (drive through) from 11:30 AM to 12 noon at Lincoln Junior High School, Washington-Monroe Elementary School and Northwest Elementary School. A hot meal will be provided on each of these days, along with a second lunch for the following day. Adults attending with the children may purchase a lunch for $2.

All community children are invited to participate, and meals may be picked up at any of the distribution sites, regardless of where the child attends school. “We invite and encourage not only our students, but all children 18 and younger to take advantage of this wonderful program,” said Kent Froebe, District 27 superintendent.

The meals are being prepared by Lincoln Elementary School District #27. Community support is being provided by the LMH Community Health Collaborative, local churches and other organizations.

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The SFSP takes place throughout the state of Illinois. All children 18 or younger are eligible to participate in any location. To find additional free summer meal sites, individuals can call 1-800-359-2163, text FoodIL to 877877 or visit  

Free Summer Meals are part of the Summer Food Service Program sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture and administered by the Illinois State Board of Education.

[Patti Becker
Administrative Director
The United Way of Logan County]


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