Board approved the Consent Agenda which included the payment of
bills, the sales tax revenue report, board minutes from January 18,
2023, February 2, 2023 Special Meeting, February 13, 2023 Special
Meeting, executive session minutes from January 18, February 2 and
February 13, 2023. The motion passed 6-0.
Under Reports, Superintendent Lamkey informed the Board of a gift of
two pallets of disinfectant wipes that Edinburg Schools could not
use. He then took questions on the rest of his report.
There were three Freedom of Information Act requests in the last
month, Mike Chandler requested a copy of the ESSER grant, the
Illinois Retired Teachers Association requested a list of retiring
teachers and Local Labs requested salary information for teachers
over the last three years.
There was no unfinished business from previous meetings.
In New Business, the Board participated in several discussion items,
the first being a proposal by Kellen Wilham requesting that seniors
with straight A’s be able to opt out of last hour study hall. The
Board agreed to take the request under consideration when approving
the student handbook for 2024.

The following discussion was centered around a
presentation by Engie concerning future capital projects. Engie is a
general contractor who manages building renovation projects. In
December, Engie surveyed Mt. Pulaski Schools and developed a
tentative list of potential projects. The survey was done at no cost
to the district. Engie provides the Board with another option when
considering renovation, repair and update projects. The Board plans
to further discuss capital projects once teacher contract
negotiations are completed and the FY2024 budget becomes more clear.
The Board has yet to make a commitment to any projects beyond this
New policy change at the December meeting allows the Board to have
40 days to seat newly elected members after the spring election. Mr.
Lamkey made the Board aware that the April or May meeting may need
to be moved unless there is a special meeting called to seat the new
members within the allotted 40 day period. Board members agreed to
check their calendars and the issue would be revisited in March.
Mrs. Fricke announced proposed changes in the MPHS Summer Credit
Recovery Program. In past years, students attend school 4 hours a
day for 8 weeks to recover high school credit for classes that they
have failed during the school year. Mrs. Fricke’s proposal will
allow students to remain at home and work online while being
monitored weekly. The Board agreed to the change in programming.
The Illinois State Police is requesting schools approve a resolution
to make a commitment to the new Clear and Present Danger Program.
President Cowan explained the program which is designed to track
individuals who have committed crimes or made threats against
schools and/or their personnel. The resolution is under review by
our district’s attorney and will be considered for approval at a
later date.
Principal Fricke opened a discussion with the Board to consider
paying for the transportation for the Senior Trip. Each year it is
difficult to line up transportation amidst the busy spring schedule
and the district is committed to performing fewer fundraisers. The
Board gave the go ahead to book a charter bus for seniors this year
and in future years.
[to top of second column] |

The first action item of the evening was renewing the
district's agreement with the Lincolnland Technical Education Center
with a 6-0 vote.
The 2023-24 MPCUSD23 school calendar was then
approved 6-0. The major differences in next year's calendar include
a later Christmas break, which begins with student dismissal on
December 21, 2023 and ends with their return to school on January 8,
2024. The other change was moving Spring Break from Easter weekend
to March 11-15 which falls between the 3rd and 4th quarter. Easter
weekend will be a four day weekend taking the Friday before and the
Monday after Easter off.
In the past four years, MPHS has added six new dual credit courses
to the curriculum. On Wednesday night, the Board approved course
handbook changes for a Consumer Science Class and an Agriculture
Class which will align with Lincoln Land Community College. The
measure passed 6-0.
In December, the Board asked the athletic department to put together
a plan to complete the MPHS Training Room. Mr. Deibert presented the
recommendations on Wednesday night which includes new equipment and
room aesthetics. The recommendations came from a collaboration of
coaches and staff which kept not only athletes, but all students in
mind. The Board approved the request 6-0.
Next on the docket was the Personnel report which was
approved 6-0 containing 7 hires and 2 resignations.
Washko MPHS Baseball Coach
Burgard MPHS Assistant Baseball Coach
Anderson MPGS Boys Track Coach
Switzer MPGS Girls Track Coach
Clark MPHS Track Coach
Casson MPHS Part Time Drivers Education Teacher
Davis MPHS Volunteer Drama Assistant
Once last employment action was the approval of
Stephen Martin as the MPHS Volunteer Drama Assistant which passed
Under Items of Information, President Cowan looked to
get approval from the Board to attend the next Mt. Pulaski City
Council meeting to discuss sidewalks, trees and parking at the grade
school. Mr. Martin also updated the Board on the park district's
efforts to sell Veterans Park. Before any sale can take place, the
park board needs to conduct two more appraisals.
Mrs. Fricke informed the Board that Makenna Wilham was the MPHS
Senior of the month!
The Board then moved into executive session at 8:17 p.m. to discuss
student discipline, employment, board evaluation and collective
bargaining. The Board returned to regular session at 10:07 p.m. The
meeting was adjourned.
The next meeting will be held on Monday, March 20, 2023 at 7 p.m. in
the MPGS Learning Center.
[Sarah Farris] |