Gabriel Merriman named LTEC Student of the Month for March

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[March 22, 2023]  Gabriel Merriman, son of Timothy & Kathy, was named March Student of the Month for the Automotive Technology program at the Lincolnland Technical Education Center. Gabe is a senior at Lincoln Community High School.

Mr. Jon Graber, instructor, says “Gabe is a second-year student in my Auto Mechanics class. From day one, Gabe has been an awesome student to have in class. His skill level and growth in auto mechanics has been amazing. He gives 100% every day and always has a positive attitude. He has taken over responsibility of the VW Beetle project. He has brought over some younger students to help with the project. Gabe has done a great job at being a one-on-one mentor for the 1st year students. I have had a great time watching Gabe grow and learn in my class. His positivity is a breath of fresh air. He will do well in this field, I wish him the best.”

Gabe has participated in soccer, scholastic bowl and was in chess club.

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Gabe hopes to attend College and wants to become a certified Automotive Technician.

Gabe received $50 from the Kiwanis Club of Lincoln who sponsors this award.

[Heather Egnew]



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