
Family & Friends in the Armed Forces
Community Action | Humane Society

March | April

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Calendar listings here are based on announcements provided to Lincoln Daily News.

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March 2023

Tuesday, March 28

Tuesday Night Bingo at the Oasis
HOSTED BY: Oasis Senior Center
WHO: Public (membership not required)
DETAILS:  We will offer large jackpots and a great atmosphere! Delicious refreshments will be available for purchase.
WHERE: Oasis Senior Center, 2810 Woodlawn Road, Lincoln
WHEN: 5 p.m. - doors open, 6:30 p.m. Bingo

Wednesday, March 29

LMH Trailblazers
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Memorial Hospital
WHO: Public
DETAILS: Free, walk at your own pace in a group or alone at 7am, 9am, 12pm or 6pm. Prizes will be randomly distributed to participants.

WHERE: LMH Wellness Trail at the hospital, 200 Stahlhut Drive, Lincoln

WHEN: 7 a.m., 9 a.m., Noon or 6 p.m.

Breastfeeding support group
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Memorial Hospital
WHO: New mothers and infants - no siblings
DETAILS: Weekly meeting. 

WHERE: Steinfort B at LMH, 200 Stahlhut Drive
WHEN: Noon to 1:30 p.m.

Lincoln Rotary Club meeting
HOSTED BY: Lincoln Rotary Club
WHO: Rotary members
DETAILS: Weekly meeting. 
WHERE: Cafe' Billiards, Fifth Street, Lincoln
WHEN: Noon

Thursday, March 30

Friday, March 31

Stations of the Cross at Carroll Catholic School
HOSTED BY: Carroll Catholic School and Holy Family Church
WHO: Public
DETAILS: See details in Lincoln Daily News
WHERE: Carroll Catholic School Gymnasium, Lincoln
WHEN: 1 p.m.

St. Thomas Aquinas Fish Fry
HOSTED BY: St. Thomas Aquinas Mt. Pulaski
WHO: Public/Fundraiser
DETAILS: Menu: fish, cheesy potatoes, baked beans, slaw, and cake. Tickets available at the Parish Office and from any St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Member or call Jeanie at 792-5966 or Jennifer at 871-5302. Tickets available at the door.
WHERE: St. Thomas Aquinas Mt. Pulaski
WHEN: 5-7 pm

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