Ribbon Cut

Opens Arms celebrates 16 years and a new church campus with grand ribbon cutting event

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[May 03, 2023]  On Wednesday, April 26th Open Arms Church invited the community to help the congregation and Pastors Larry and Wendy Crawford celebrate the “Sweet 16 Anniversary” of the church body along with the realization of a new permanent facility and a renewed relationship with Lincoln Christian University.

Open Arms last year entered into an agreement for use of the Earl Hargrove Chapel on the campus of LCU for a new church building for the congregation. Through a series of blessings and miracles, Pastor Larry told how that now the church owns the property and is destined to do great things in the community in the name of God.

The Wednesday evening service began with Pastor Wendy and the Open Arms band leading the congregation in two uplifting songs that brought the congregation to its feet as they sang along.

As the second song came to an end, Pastor Larry came to the stage and offered a prayer.

He then told a story that he said was a reflection of both sides of his life. The story of a young boy who was doing well in school at first, but by fifth grade he had slid backward terribly. He had experienced many tragedies, including the death of his mother in his young life, and each one had hurt and made a negative impact.

At Christmas time he gave his teacher a gift as was the tradition. When she opened the young boy’s gift it was a bracelet with many of its stones missing and a half bottle of cheap perfume. As the other children chided the gift, the teacher went out of her way to admire it and make over it. Soon she had all the children in the room also in awe of the gift. After class the boy told the teacher that the bracelet looked as good on her as it had his mother who had passed, and the perfume was his mom’s favorite and it smelled as good on the teacher as he remembered on his mother.

The boy experienced a change that day and so did the teacher. When he graduated high school he invited the teacher to attend, when he graduated college at the top of his class, he invited the teacher to attend, and when he became a doctor he asked her to be there representing his family.

Pastor Larry said he has been the student in the story, and he has been the teacher. He said what we all need is people who will believe in us and hold us up.

Pastor Larry attended Lincoln Christian University and he talked about the professors who believed in him and helped him. He said that while the night was about the church it was also about the school because without the school there would be no church.

He went on to say that in his life, there were those who believed in him, but even so, he went through a time when he walked away from God, but God waited on him and welcomed him back when he returned.

Pastor Larry moved to talk about planting a church in Lincoln. He said that he, 16 years ago had been praying for a place for a church, and he believed it would be either in Georgia or in Bloomington, when God said to him that he would have a church in Lincoln. He said at first he thought it was a joke, and he told his wife Wendy about it, not believing that it would happen.

Then he said God furthered the mission, telling him that someday he would do something with the Lincoln Christian University. Pastor Larry said he again was not believing but God brought the church to this place and delivered on his promise.

Pastor Larry said that he had been praying for a location and had been to see a plot of land that was 12 acres, but there were issues with the land that prevented the church from buying it. He said that was God too, making sure that there were no barriers for what was to come with Lincoln Christian University.

Pastor Larry said that he was in attendance at a leadership conference at LCU when the Lord spoke to him, telling him to approach University President Dr. Silas McCormick about renting the chapel. He said that he did not know then that the University was on the cusp of reorganization, but he did approach Dr. McCormick who immediately asked for a face-to-face meeting the following week.

Later that night as Pastor Larry was at his then church preparing for the morning service, he said he received another message from God. He said Gold told him that HE was going to do something in Lincoln that would blow people’s minds, and everyone would know it was from God.

Pastor Larry said there was much more to the story, but he would move on to buying the church. He said that there was a great need for money for the church, and God told him if he would “cast the vision” on the congregation, that he the Lord would bring the church into $1,000,000. Pastor Larry said that was hard to absorb but he followed Gods direction and cast the vision to the congregation and within just a few months, God provided the church $1,000,000.

Pastor Larry went back to the founding of the church in Lincoln. He said when the church began, his first message was from Luke 15, the story of the Prodigal Son. He said that the story tells of the wayward son who leaves his father but returns. He the son returns, the father does not say “I told you so,” but instead greets him with open arms and says welcome home.

Pastor Larry said within the church, he often uses that phrase, welcome home, because he speaks to people who are searching for a home and he wants them to know that they have found it, that safe place where people will tell them the truth and welcome them home.

He said that another phrase used at the church is “We’re walking in a miracle.” He said it was true, there were many, many miracles that had brought the church to this day.

Another phrase associated with Open Arms is “you matter here.” Pastor Larry said it was a true statement. Every person matters, and it doesn’t matter what they have done in the past or what they are doing now, everyone matters to God and to Open Arms Church.

When the church was founded, it was called the Open Arms Christian Fellowship Church and he called it OACF for short. But when he talked to people they would say “are you the pastor from Open Arms?” He said more an more it became Open Arms and not OACF, and he and the church have found they like that better, because it is more like Jesus, accepting everyone with open arms, so from here on, the church is to be Open Arms.

As he began to wrap up his message, Pastor Larry talked about realizing the vision. He said a while before any on the vision he had come about, he had a heart to heart with God, where he just laid it all out. He told God he knew the vision and was working toward it, and he knew that God would deliver. But he told God he wasn’t getting any younger, and though he knew the work would continue after he was gone to Heaven, he would just ask that God accelerate the process so Larry Crawford could see some of this vision come about. He then said, “Well, be careful when you pray. God said well then how about almost 60 acres and six buildings?”

Pastor Larry went on to talk about what the plans are for the new church campus. He said the Easter Egg Hunt had been on the grounds, and this year the Family Fun Day will be on the grounds on June 24th. He talked about the sports programs that are being developed, the Ruth Hall will be redesigned to house pastors who are seeking a great place to come and have a time of refreshing.

There will also be Thanksgiving Meals at the Hall. The church will continue to partner with LCU for dorms for students, for men’s retreats and women’s retreats. There are a number of other things that Open Arms will provided because it has this wonderful campus that God has provided not just to the church but to the community.

Pastor Larry ended with a personal testimony about his time away from God. He attended a concert by Christian musician Ron Cannoli. Pastor Larry sat in front and the musician put him on the spot to sing Jesus Loves Me. Pastor Larry felt it was God embarrassing him because he was not walking in Christ. But he later heard the God say, “I wasn’t embarrassing you. I was asking you to proclaim before thousands of people that you KNOW that Jesus loves you.”

Then Pastor Larry began calling people to the stage for the ribbon cutting. There were about 500 people in the congregation on Wednesday night, and Pastor Larry invited about 50 or more to join him and Pastor Wendy on the stage.

Among them Pastor Glenn Shelton who was asked to be the first to speak. Among the things Pastor Shelton shared was a letter that had been written by Larry Crawford in 2002. He had written to Pastor Shelton seeking an opportunity to speak to the Pastors church. Pastor Shelton said that Larry and Wendy Crawford have opened their arms to him personally and had shown themselves to be friendly. He said that if you want to have friends you have to be friendly. Pastor Shelton told the two that he thanked them and that he is still expecting more great things from them and the church.

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Pastors Kevin and Charlene Wolfe were the next to be called up. The couple began the OACF with the Crawfords in their home. Pastor Kevin said that the church began in their home which was big, but nothing like this. The Wolfe’s had left OACF but now they are returning to Open Arms and will be a big part of the outreach ministry. The couple is looking forward to their return to Lincoln and OACF and are in awe of what God has done with the Open Arms Church.

Pastor Larry called up Doctors Don Green, Keith Ray, and Silas McCormick. All three have been heads of LCU and Dr. McCormick is the current president. Dr. Green spoke first saying he was proud of the Crawfords for their work in the community and also around the world. Dr. Ray spoke saying it is a “great day for the Kingdom of God.” He said that the Crawfords and the church have stepped forward and have done great things to help with the succession of the University.

Dr. McCormick was the last of the three to speak. He began by saying that the last time he visited the chapel he left in tears, knowing that it was the last time it would be a part of LCU and saddened for the day. But he found hope in the new life that Open Arms is breathing into the chapel as their church structure. He said that LCU had been about building disciples for Christ, and Open Arms is doing that as well, so the mission of the Hargrove Chapel and LCU is being carried on by the Crawfords and Open Arms church. These are facts that he is most grateful for.

Senators Sally Turner and Darren Bailey were on hand for the ribbon cutting as well. Turner began by saying that she was thankful for the church and the prayers that it had said on her behalf and on behalf of her family. She said that she was particularly grateful for the times that she has called and sought support from the church in her job as a senator.

Bailey, who lost his run for governor at the last election came forward with his wife Cindy. He noted that he had flown into Indianapolis after a visit with President Trump and had considered he had a three-hour drive to home or a three hour drive to Lincoln, and he was told to come to Lincoln. He talked about getting word that LCU was shutting down. Though it did not shut down entirely it did transition into a new format, he heard it was shutting down, and he thought to himself that it was wrong that such a school serving God should go to the wayside. But God had a plan, and that plan has now come to be.

Dr. Richard Hilton was brought to the center of the stage. He noted that when God starts something new, he doesn’t do away with the good old that is already here. He said he was proud of what was being done at LCU and Open Arms and he was proud of the church for what it has become, a great influencer in the community and a blessing to God.

Coming all the way from Georgia was Pastor Tommy Williams. Pastor Williams showed the Crawfords a great deal of support when the began the church in Lincoln with the Wolves. Pastor Larry noted that pastor Wilson drove all the way from Georgia to deliver the first 50 chairs for the new Open Arms Church. Then later he made that same trip again for another 50 chairs, then the third time, it took a semi to bring them all.

Pastor Williams noted the Crawfords dedication to God and to preaching the word of God. He recalled times when Pastor Larry drove the 650 miles to Georgia to preach God’s word then drove home right after. Pastor Williams said he didn’t know how Pastor Larry did it, that it had to have been God who guided those trips. He said that Pastor Larry had been there for him when he was down and had helped him in many ways.

Dr. John Castelein was a ribbon holder for the evening. Pastor Larry noted that Castelein who is a retired professor from LCU was a dear friend and a great teacher mentor to Crawford. He asked Dr. Castelein to speak. Dr. Castelein said he was certain that the Spirit of God was moving and that there was going to be a spiritual awakening in our nation and that Lincoln was going to be at the center of that awakening.

The last person to speak before the snipping of the ribbon was Lincoln Mayor Tracy Welch. Welch congratulated the Crawfords and the church, and said that he had listened with interest to the message Crawford had delivered at the beginning of the evening, and was moved and touched by the pastors words. Welch said in many ways, he as Mayor and Pastor Crawford face similar challenges. Both have hard truths that are not always well received by their constituents or congregations. He said that as a politician he is not always well received, but he has a commitment to be open, honest, and transparent in his office. He said that he related well to the Pastor and the church because they have a common circumstance. The things they do are for the betterment of the community. Welch went on to say that the city was fortunate to have Open Arms Church because it is a church that is involved in the community. He said that the events the church hosts such as the recent Easter Egg Hunt and the upcoming Family Fun Day are good for the people of the community and that is a fact for which Welch is very grateful.

Welch also pointed out that City Clerk Peggy Bateman, Alderman Kevin Bateman, and Alderman Sam Downs were also on stage representing the city.

Finally it was time for the moment everyone had come to see. The snipping of the ribbon on the new church building and the Sweet 16 Anniversary of Open Arms Church was a loud and joyous event. The entire congregation of 400 to 500 people stood up cheering and roaring for the countdown and the snip. It was so loud that it took a few times for the word to get to the Crawfords that it was time to cut the ribbon.

When the cut was over there was free Sorrento’s pizza for everyone and the evening continued for a time of joyous celebration and fellowship.

[Nila Smith]

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