Board first conducted an item under Old Business and approved an
athletic co-op between Tri-City, Sangamon Valley and Mt. Pulaski for
junior high softball. Mt. Pulaski only had 9 students committed to
playing next school year pressing administration to look for a
co-op. The motion passed 6-1. After completing business, outgoing
Board Member Rob Smith was recognized for his four years of service
to the Board of Education and credited for his leadership,
especially in the area of finance.
New Board member Blane Olson took the Oath of Office along with
incumbent members Ashley Combs and Chris Brown. In the Board’s
reorganization, meeting dates will remain the third Monday of each
month except for January and February, where they will be held on
the third Wednesday of the month to avoid school holidays. Officers
were also chosen with Eric Cowan remaining as the Board President,
Deanne Mott as the Board Vice-President and Ashley Combs as Board
Secretary. The MPCUSD23 Bookkeeper, Kathy Tschantz, was once again
approved as the Board Treasurer. The location and time meetings will
be at the MPGS Learning Center at 7:00 PM. Committee organization
was also discussed, but the Board did not make any decisions on what
committees would be created.

The Mt. Pulaski CUSD 23 Board of Education called
their regular meeting to order on May 15, 2023 at 7:00 PM in the
MPGS Learning Center. All members were present.
Under Recognition of Public, three IESA state qualifiers from the
MPGS Track team were present. 8th grader Owen Cyrulik placed 3rd in
the mile, 7th grader Olivia Smith placed 8th in 200, 8th grader
Carter Clark finished 13th in the discus. Additionally, Piper Tyson
placed 2nd in the discus.
The Board approved the Consent Agenda which included the payment of
bills, the sales tax revenue report and board minutes from the
regular meeting on April 18, 2023 and executive session minutes from
April 18, 2023. In addition the Board renewed the district’s
memberships with the IHSA and IESA. The motion passed 7-0.
Under Reports, Superintendent Lamkey informed the Board that
district SRO Officer, Sergeant Josh Pharis, would be creating
signage to put at school entrances to indicate the district has a
County Deputy on duty. Mr. Lamkey also reported that there were two
out of school suspensions in the last month, one at MPGS and the
other at MPHS. In addition, there were seven in-school suspensions
at the high school.
In New Business, Mr. Waterkotte’s FCCLA ParliPro Team presented on
their request to attend the National FCCLA Conference in Denver to
participate in competition. The students gave a summary of the
conference itinerary and thanked the Board for their consideration
of this trip. The Board approved their trip 7-0.

Next, the Illinois Association of School Boards made
their pitch to the Board to be the search group for the upcoming
superintendent vacancy. Last summer, Superintendent Lamkey announced
his intent to retire from his position in June of 2024. The Board
plans to begin the search for the next superintendent this summer
and conclude the search by December/January. The Board voted 7-0 to
approve the IASB Search Committee.
The Board then discussed CKH which is a district
initiative that addresses social emotional learning by building
structures that allow better relationships among teachers, staff,
students, administration and board members. Some board members have
concerns that CKH hampers discipline, but district administrators
assured the Board that it does not affect disciplinary action.
Superintendent Lamkey spoke to the Board explaining that changes are
made each year in its implementation as each building reflects and
evaluates on their practices. The Board supported the district’s
ongoing efforts with CKH and asked to be kept informed on its
[to top of second column]

Superintendent Lamkey updated the Board on two more
potential athletic co-ops on the horizon. The first co-op involves
wrestling, as Warrensburg-Latham ended their co-op with the high
school this winter. Mr. McVickers has been in touch with Riverton
and Tri-City discussing a potential wrestling co-op with the two
districts. The Board gave permission to continue working on this
Hartem also approached our district for a co-op in high school golf.
Hartem only has one student participating in golf and asked if they
could join our team. The Board had discussion on the request and
agreed to allow the administration to move forward with this
agreement as well.
Each year Regional Office of Education #17 does a paper bid which
allows all districts in their jurisdiction to purchase paper in bulk
at a good savings. The Board approved 7-0 to participate in this
program once again.
The Policy Committee then conducted the second reading of the most
recent policy update. The items of consideration were mostly limited
to language changes and legal updates. Mr. Wilham and Mr. Brown did
note that there were added responsibilities put upon the board
president when considering new hires. The committee recommended
Superintendent Lamkey refresh legal responsibilities with President
Cowan. The second reading was approved 7-0 and the update was
adopted 7-0.
The last piece of the district-wide paving project from last fall
included additional fencing on the high school and grade school
campuses. The project includes a gate on the MPGS playground to
limit student access to the street during the school day, fences
around the dumpsters at MPGS and MPHS and a privacy fence along the
west boundary of the north MPHS parking lot. Multiple bids were
considered with General Fence having the lowest bid. The Board
approved the project 7-0.

Over the past few months, the Board has discussed
extending the SRO Officer position to full-time from part-time. The
Board believes that a full-time officer is needed to keep our
schools safe and approved the motion 7-0.
Next on the docket was the Personnel Report, which was approved 7-0
containing nine hires and four resignations.
Stacy Hickey as District Nurse
Travis Dodson as MPGS ELA Teacher
Jim Bishop as MPGS Head Custodian
James Anderson as MPGS Girls Basketball Coach
Alora Goodey as MPGS Volleyball Coach
Reagan Kirk as MPGS Cheer Coach
Ryan McVickers as MPHS Girls Basketball Coach
Ryan Deibert as MPHS Boys Basketball Coach
Jared Washko as MPHS Volunteer Assistant Baseball
Morgan Lolling as MPGS Paraprofessional, MPGS and
MPHS Assistant Volleyball Coach
Jon Tribler as MPHS Business Teacher, MPHS
National Honor Society Sponsor, MPHS Assistant Track Coach, MPGS
Boys Basketball Coach and MPGS 5th and 6th Grade Basketball
Mark Graue as MPHS Scholastic Bowl Coach
Hank Wuethrich as MPHS Night Custodian
Mrs. Fricke informed the Board that Kaleb Hild was
the MPHS Senior of the Month and Lillian Hild was selected the
Senior of the Year!
After the Executive Session, the meeting was adjourned with no
further actions being taken. The next regular meeting will be held
on Wednesday, June 21, 2023 at 7:00 PM in the MPGS Learning Center.
[Sarah Farris
Administrative Professional
Mount Pulaski CUSD 23] |