Illinois is ranked 37th for its State Business Tax Climate. The
numbers from the Tax Foundation show that Illinois also ranked
43rd in its corporate tax rate, 39th in the sales tax rate and
45th in the property tax rate, all among the worst in the U.S.
Despite the rankings, Illinois Chamber of Commerce interim CEO
Keith Staats said things are not as bad as the rankings show.
"The good news in the rankings is that we get ranked higher than
a number of other states do because we have a flat income tax,"
Staats told The Center Square. "We went down one notch this year
from 36 to 37, but that wasn't as a result of anything that
happened in Illinois. I think it was probably a result of one of
the other states that may have cut a tax rate that affected
their ranking."
Neighboring states ranked much higher in the report, as Indiana
ranked 10th, Michigan 11th and Missouri 12th.
State Rep. Adam Niemerg, R-Dieterich, said neighboring states
are ranked higher on the list because of action at the Illinois
"It's a result of poor public policy from the Democratic party
when it comes to corporate income tax rates, when it comes to
individual income tax rates, when it comes to just the plethora
of taxes you have to deal with here in the state of Illinois,"
Niemerg said.
According to U.S. Census data, Illinois is one of 17 states to
see its average inflation-adjusted household income decrease in
2022, and as of September, Illinois' unemployment rate of 4.4%
also was higher than the national average of 3.8%.
"To say that Illinois is going in the right direction when it
comes to the business climate is completely false," Niemerg told
The Center Square. "We need to do much better. We need to
deregulate. We need to get government out of the way and we need
to lower the tax burden so businesses will come back to the
state of Illinois."
