University of Illinois Extension
Keep growing with herbs indoors this fall, winter
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[October 31, 2023]
Just because days are shorter and colder and
the outdoor gardening days are over, that doesn't mean growing must
come to an end. Indoor green houseplants are an option, so add some
herbs to the mix this fall and winter. |
growing indoors or outdoors, plants still have the same needs. When
growing indoors during the winter, the two primary restricting
factors affecting growth are light levels and humidity.
Light exposure
Herbs usually need between six to eight hours of bright light each
day. Southern exposure windows are great. If windows don't receive
that much light during the winter months, growers can use
supplemental lighting. However, supplemental light is not equivalent
to natural light, which is why the lights need to run for longer.
Plants need around two hours of supplemental lighting for every one
hour of natural light. This means most supplemental lighting must be
on for 12 to 16 hours per day. An automatic timer can help ensure
the lights get switched on and off each day.

If the location is lucky enough to have a window with
lots of natural light, make sure to rotate containers every few
days. Plants will lean toward the light, which is called
phototropism. To encourage even growth, turning the containers is
helpful and recommended.
Make sure all the containers used to grow herbs have drainage holes
and utilize a good-quality potting mix. Don't use garden soil in
containers. Plan on using a water-soluble fertilizer every two weeks
for herbs, but don't fertilize more often. Fertilizing too often may
negatively affect the flavor and aroma of the growing herbs. [to top of second

Room temperatures are best 70 F and below, so avoid placing potted
herbs near a direct heat source. However, winter heating causes
homes to be fairly dry. To increase humidity, cluster plants
together. Another option is to place a humidifier near the plants or
grow them in an enclosure.
What type of herbs can grow indoors? Basil, chives,
oregano, thyme, winter savory, rosemary, parsley, sage, and mint all
do well indoors. Harvest herbs as needed in cooking. If using fresh
herbs instead of dried herbs in a recipe, the conversion rate is 1
tablespoon of fresh herbs for every 1 teaspoon of dried.
Even providing ideal conditions indoors, herbs will likely grow more
slowly than they do outdoors in the summer. If using herbs
frequently with home cooking, consider preserving and drying herbs
in the summer for use in the winter. Or grow more herbs indoors
during the colder months. There is nothing wrong with having more
indoor plants.
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[SOURCE: Chris Enroth, Extension
Educator, Horticulture, University of Illinois Extension ]