[November 07, 2023]
Heitzig is a state champion again!
Heitzig won the 2023 IHSA Class 2A State XC Individual Championship
at Detweiller Park in Peoria on Saturday morning.
The senior standout in cross country, volleyball, basketball and
track ran the three-mile course with a time of 16:34.75. This is a
new PR for Heitzig, who committed to Iowa State in October in cross
country and track. Heitzig beat out Annika Swan of Chicago St.
Ignatius at the finish line on Saturday. Swan finished with a time
of 16:34.80.
Heitzig’s senior year has been spectacular so far, as she has
bounced back and forth from playing volleyball to running cross
country. Her story really is one that has been fascinating to watch
unfold. Back in August, as the volleyball season was getting
underway, there was talk that if the Lady Railers made it to the
Friday night Super-Sectional, Heitzig would definitely be on the
court as the libero. The plan was also for her to run at State the
very next morning. Two and a half months later, that plan was
executed. In typical storybook fashion, Heitzig helped her team win
a Super-Sectional over Mascoutah in two sets Friday night and she
played the back row with her usual toughness and scrappiness,
digging up 12 balls. She was also consistent with that wicked
left-handed serve. And 16 hours later, Heitzig was at the starting
line at Detweiller Park, ready to give it her best shot at achieving
yet another goal.
When Heitzig crossed the finish line in first place, she felt a wide
range of emotions.

“Initially, crossing the finish line all I felt was pain,” said
Heitzig, “but all the pain went away when I was greeted at the
finish line by my cross country teammates, volleyball team, my
family, lots of family friends, and later on my running coach. This
accomplishment would not be the same without all the people there.
It’s not often that you can get that many people to go to a cross
country meet!
Emotions were very high. Many tears and hugs. This by far was one of
the hardest goals I have set for myself and I had a lot of doubt
going into it. During the race, I prayed to God for mental and
physical strength which helped me to reach beyond the goal I had
set. It was just a great day because of all of the love I felt from
the people around me.”
While some people who do not know Heitzig personally may have
doubted her ability to successfully compete in a high energy
volleyball match and turn around and run cross country in a
relatively short amount of time, she had plenty of people lining the
course who did believe in her and who could not wait to congratulate
her at the finish line.

Becca Heitzig with her "Girl Squad" - Jenna Bowman,
Kloe Froebe and Taryn Stoltzenburg
Among the many well-wishers were Heitzig’s own “girl squad” that
rivals that of Taylor Swift and her famous friends. Heitzig is not a
“Swiftie” but her friends are and they know the meaning of loyalty.
They have become her biggest supporters and they surprised her on
Saturday morning. The surprise brought Heitzig to tears. And after
reading what they say about her, it’s likely she’ll need another
tissue here.
“Becca is a phenomenal athlete and person all around,” said Kloe
Froebe. “Growing up with her and having her as a best friend is
truly a huge blessing. She has pushed us to be better not just in
sports, but in all aspects of life. Her ability to give her all for
our volleyball team and then turn around and run her heart out the
next day proves how dedicated and reveals her unwillingness to lose.
The entire race there was not a moment when we thought Becca would
lose because we know how competitive she is. She truly is an
inspiration to all.”
“Becca is just an unbelievable athlete and it was incredible to see
her go from giving volleyball 100% on Friday night and then turning
around the next morning and doing the same for cross country,” said
Taryn Stoltzenburg. “I am so unbelievably proud of the work that she
has put in for both sports, which is why I think she deserves this
so much. I am so lucky to be able to not only play alongside her but
also have her as a best friend.”
[to top of second column] |

"Becca is just amazing,” said Jenna Bowman. “Not only is she a
phenomenal athlete, she is a wonderful person inside and out. I’m so
glad she is getting the recognition she deserves for all of the hard
work she has put in for the last several years. She is an
inspiration for everyone in the community and the younger kids who
hear about her from their parents. I was so proud of her on Saturday
because I knew that being the state champ was her ultimate goal. I’m
thankful to have her as a best friend and a teammate!”
Congratulations, Becca! You make all of Lincoln, Railer Nation and
the surrounding communities proud. Your hard work and determination
really does inspire us all.

Becca is the daughter of proud parents Tim and Kim Heitzig of
Lincoln. Her brother, Brenden, runs cross country at track at the
University of Missouri. Becca’s proud grandparents are Pat and Karen
Heitzig and Dennis and Ann Davis.

Below is a recap of Heitzig’s cross country season, provided by her
mom, Kim. It should also be noted that Heitzig won every race this
season except for regionals. Heitzig placed 4th at regionals and as
it turned out she was low on iron that was discovered with bloodwork
the next day.
Heitzig also impressively placed 1st out of 477 runners in the very
first race of the season, the First to the Finish Invitational.
She certainly started the season strong and finished the season
9/9 First to the Finish at Detweiler 17:01.2
9/23 Springfield Invite 18:04.6
9/26 Home meet at Kickapoo Park 19:24.0
9/30 Jacksonville Invite 17:20.0
10/7 Gene Jones Runnin’ Red Invite at Metamora 16:53.5
10/14 CS8 Conference Meet at Jacksonville 16:33.8
10/21 IHSA Regional Maxwell Park 18:34.8 Fourth Place
10/28 IHSA Sectional at Jacksonville 16:26.9 course record
11/4 IHSA 2A State Meet at Peoria 16:34.75 First Place
Note: Jacksonville is a 2.9 mile course and Metamora is a 2.94 mile
course but rest of the races were 3 miles in distance. Hence the
difference in times.
[Teena Lowery with photos by Lowery,
Amanda Bowman and Lynn Paulus]