Such reported thefts of this expensive car device fell from
23,000 in 2022 nationally to 14,500 in 2023, the statistics
“We’re seeing a significant decrease both in the number of
claims and in the amount paid,” State Farm spokeswoman Heather
Paul told The Center Square.
Though still just below California and Texas for top catalytic
converter thefts, Illinois followed this promising trend of
declining reports. This is evidenced by the approximately 1,300
claims at $2.9 million in total that State Farm received in the
first six months of 2023, Paul said.
Putting the new data in perspective, Paul said, “we’re far below
what we were at the same time last year.”
Illinois reported over 3,880 such thefts last year totaling $8.3
million, she said. The total catalytic converter thefts are
higher, though, since these figures only reflect State Farm
She noted a COVID connection to the previous spike in thefts,
which may be the result of cars sitting longer during lockdowns
and becoming easy prey to any thief with a few minutes and a
hacksaw. Catalytic converters are prized for the precious metals
they contain, which can bring thousands of dollars on the black
market, Paul said.
Paul attributes increased public awareness through the media and
new laws that make it harder to profit from theft.
“Several years ago, most people didn’t even know what a
catalytic converter was,” she said.
Public information like State Farm’s reports is shining light on
the issue.
Additionally, Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed several laws that made
it difficult to sell a converter without documentation and
reduced the sale price to under $100, she said.
People can take precautions to protect their cars as well, Paul
If there’s no garage available, she said, “probably one of the
biggest pieces of advice is to park in a well-lit area.”
Other suggestions are a video-camera surveillance system and
etching contact information or a vehicle identification number
into the catalytic converter. If stolen, the converter will be
difficult to pawn off on a recycler. Lastly, she recommended
making sure car insurance is comprehensive enough to cover this
type of theft if it should occur.
