Dozens gathered on Saturday at the VFW to honor,
remember, and celebrate veteran’s day including Gene Hickey,
American Legion Post 263 Commander, Jim Harnacke Commandant of
Marine Corp League Detachment 1336, John Cook Commander of the Sons
of The American Legion Post 263, Vince Long past Commander of VFW
Post 1756, and Teresa Pourchot VFW Post 1756 Auxiliary President.

Special guests Cub Scout Pack 101 enthusiastically
waved their flags as they listened to Bill Stauffer speak about
service and sacrifice.

Pastor Simpson of Trinity Episcopal Church led the
crowd in prayer before the national Anthem was sung by Lesleigh
[to top of second column] |

Tammy Pourchot laid the ceremonial wreath as American
Legion Post 263 prepared to honor our veterans with a 21-gun salute
and TAPS.

YouTube Video – American Legion Post 263 Color
Guard – Three Shot Volley & TAPS

All in attendance were invited to stay for a
traditional ham and bean dinner.
[Lesleigh Bennett]