Chapel is once again engaged in its annual effort to
stock the food pantry of the Salvation Army 360 Life
Center in Lincoln. “Season of HOPE” began in 2020
with a challenge to the congregation of Hope Chapel
to collect 500 pounds of durable food items in the
weeks prior to Thanksgiving. When the final tally
was made, over 1,500 pounds had been given and
distributed to local pantries. Last year we narrowed
our focus to just one pantry and expanded the drive
to invite our Westville neighborhood to join in and
together we smashed a 2,000-pound goal with over
2,200 pounds of goods.
With the soaring inflation we have all experienced
in recent days, the need for food donations is more
critical than ever, so the leadership of Hope Chapel
has committed to a daunting goal of collecting 2,500
pounds of food, cleaning products, and personal care
items by November 12th. We would love to share this
great opportunity to serve our community by inviting
everyone to click on the “Season of Hope” tab our
website (hopechapelnaz.org).
There, you will find a list of suggested donations
for each week of the drive. Any donated items can be
dropped off at the main doors of Hope Chapel each
Saturday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. The staff of The
Salvation Army will pick up all the donations prior
to the holiday season.

Will you join us in this good effort? Whether you
give once or give weekly, every gift will make a
difference! We’re confident that, together, we can
turn this challenging time of the year into a real
season of hope for so many households in our