The Illinois Farm Bureau has secured statewide black vulture
depredation permits through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
effective now through March 31, 2025. As migratory birds, black
vultures are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and
can’t be killed or destroyed without the migratory bird
depredation permit.
“Illinois’ black vulture population has increased significantly
in recent years, particularly in the southern portion of the
state. These birds often prey on young livestock, especially in
open pastures, and can create major financial losses for
farmers,” IFB President Brian Duncan said.
Tasha Bunting, director of Commodity Programs and Farm Systems
with the Illinois Farm Bureau, says black vultures live in
southern regions of the state but are expanding their range
further north.
“The birds are becoming a bigger issue, they’re pretty
aggressive, they’re not like the red-headed turkey vultures,
they attack and they are more of a predator than the red-headed
birds are,” Bunting said.
Black vultures have a five-foot wingspan and weigh about five
pounds. As to why their populations are expanding north, Bunting
said the weather may play a part.
“We traditionally have not seen them in Illinois much until the
last several years and the flock is continuing to grow,”
Bunting. “These milder winters are certainly not encouraging
them to move on.”
Approved applicants will be allowed a maximum of three birds,
determined after consultation with USDA Wildlife Services.
Following the consultation and approval, a state permit will
also be provided by IDNR.
