Vikram Luthar was put on administrative leave in January for
accounting irregularities in ADM’s nutrition business while the
company cooperated with an investigation. Luthar, who will step
down Sept. 30, will reportedly receive over $743,000 as a cash
performance incentive award for 2023.
Students hospitalized after ingesting edibles
Five Chicago elementary school students were taken to the
hospital after eating marijuana edibles at school. The students
attended George Leland Elementary School.
The school’s principal told parents in a letter that the
students received medical attention “out of an abundance of
caution” and that she is working with the school district to
handle the incident.
All five students were under the age of 15 and are in good
Missing work for sports
Illinoisans love their sports teams, and a new study shows they
are willing to miss work to watch them.
New data from ranks Illinois as the sixth state most
likely to call out sick for sports. Of the more than 2,000
people surveyed, 63% of Illinoisans admitted to taking a sick
day to attend a sporting event.
Utah topped the list of states that call out sick the most for
