IRA funding provided an additional $3.25
billion nationwide over five years for climate smart agriculture
through CSP. Through the additional CSP-IRA funding, Illinois
received $29.8 million in FY 2025 to provide direct climate
mitigation benefits to Illinois producers. The CSP-IRA funds
will advance conservation on producer’s farm or forest land
through practices and enhancements such as cover crop,
conservation tillage, wildlife habitat planting, prescribed
grazing, nutrient management, tree planting and more.
How to Apply
NRCS accepts producer applications for its conservation programs
on a continuous basis, however producers interested in CSP
financial assistance through IRA should apply by Illinois’
application deadline of January 10, 2025, to be considered for
funding in the current cycle.
Producers interested in CSP-IRA should submit a signed
application (NRCS-CPA-1200 form) to the local NRCS field office.
A blank NRCS-CPA-1200 application form may be obtained from the
NRCS staff. Otherwise, an application may be submitted through
the website using your account.
Producers wishing to use, can sign in or create an
account by clicking on “Sign up” in the upper right of the
CSP-IRA applications submitted by January 10, 2025, will be
evaluated by local NRCS staff. The NRCS staff will work with an
applicant to assess the land and resource concerns, answer
ranking questions, and determine program eligibility. If an
application is ranked high enough to be funded, the NRCS staff
will work with the applicant to develop a contract.
For information on CSP-IRA contact the local NRCS field office
or visit