deterrence is the force of millions of people who are standing for
right. Those people who know the difference between right and wrong.
Those people who are God-fearing, and keepers of the law, those
people who are wanting peace and tranquility simply to live their
lives on a day-by-day basis without fear and with personal safely.
There was a time in America when most citizens believed in God,
practiced their faith as best they could, depended on their own work
ethics to do the right thing. Most practiced the “Golden Rule” to
some extent, and were against the values fostered by gangs, robbers,
thieves, murderers, and other forms of criminality. Most were
law-abiding and supported law enforcement agencies in their towns,
cities, states, and the federal government. Parents even encouraged
their children to seek out a policeman for help if they found
themselves in some sort of trouble. Most believed the court systems
were fair and unbiased, with juries and judges who heard the
evidence, gave the verdict, applied the sentencing, and believed
that attitude was a deterrent for others to take stock before they
entered into a criminal activity.
That “wholesome” attitude possessed by most people motivated them to
live lives of patriotism, love for country, accepting things like
school Bible readings, Christmas school plays and programs built
around a theme of the birth of Jesus, pulling over to the curb, or
getting out of the car to stand with hat off to honor the deceased
in the hearse as it passed with the family following. That
wholesomeness attitude propelled most people to stand as the
National Anthem was being played, face the National Stars and
Stripes with a hand over their heart as it was being raised.
[to top of second column]

That attitude motivated most people to give a helping
hand to those in need, support the Salvation Army, Red Cross,
Community Chest, give dimes to support the eradication of polio,
help neighbors in times of tragedy, share possessions with those who
needed them, and listen to readings, poems, songs, and books
providing inspiration.
That “National” attitude that prevailed in America
produced “G” rated movies, television, reading material, and
educational curriculum. Those who stomped on those values and
wholesome attitudes were the outliers of society, who disrespected
the police and attempted to eradicate justice, freedom, decency,
goodwill, and safety in society-at-large. Most of the time those who
sneered at that attitude of wholesomeness were caught by the
authorities and brought to justice. The collective citizenry cheered
when evil was punished.
That wholesome attitude and motivation collectively formed a
deterrent that caused most people to refrain from their evil
activities. It was only when the “Capone”-type attitudes began to
prevail in America that people learned they could marginalize
societal order and break down the wholesomeness attitude, thereby
destroying the deterrent that existed.
We need to return to the embodiment of that attitude to restore the
deterrence back to American culture.
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