few easy-care succulents that do well indoors include jade,
haworthia, aloe vera, kalanchoe, sedum, echeveria, and euphorbia.
Research each variety to determine their light and watering
requirements. Succulents are often grouped together in small dish
gardens, which work well because they dry out quickly. However, the
combinations should have similar light and watering needs for each
plant to thrive.
The biggest mistake people make with succulents is overwatering
them. These are plants that thrive on neglect.
Watering needs vary depending on the time of year, air circulation,
humidity, room temperature, and available light. Generally,
succulents need water every two to three weeks. Think of it as a wet
and dry period. Only water succulents when the soil is completely
dry and water deeply until water runs out of the drainage holes of
the pot. Succulents go dormant in the winter and can be watered even
less, perhaps only a couple of times.
The biggest challenge with growing succulents indoors is the lack of
sunlight. It is best to provide at least six to eight hours of
bright sunlight. This can be difficult in the average home. Rotate
succulents between sunny windows or provide supplemental lighting
using fluorescent or LED bulbs. Plants will grow toward the light
source, so rotate pots frequently to keep plants uniform.
Succulents can be moved outdoors during the summer months. Slowly
transition plants because unfiltered sunlight is much more intense,
causing the leaves to burn. Put them somewhere with indirect
sunlight and gradually move them to sunnier locations.
Succulents do use a special soil mix. Succulent potting soil can be
purchased at garden centers. Or you can mix your own using one-part
organic matter, such as potting soil or coir, and two-parts mineral,
such as coarse sand, perlite, or pumice. Use pots with drainage
holes. Clay and terracotta pots work well because they are porous,
and the soil dries quicker. [to top of second

Most succulents do not need
regular fertilization. Once a year in later spring or summer is
sufficient, and apply a quarter to half the rate suggested on
the fertilizer instructions.
Pests are typically not a problem, but scale and
mealy bug infestations can happen. Control minor infestations by
swabbing or spraying insects with rubbing alcohol. Neem oil and
insecticidal soap are also an option. Keep infected plants away from
healthy plants. Dry lower leaves on succulents are normal, and these
can be removed.

Many succulents are easy to reproduce through
propagation by offsets, stem cuttings, or leaf cuttings. Over time,
the mother plant will develop offsets or young plants. Leaves may
fall into the soil and generate new growth.
When using stem or leaf cuttings, allow the bottom of the cutting to
dry out and callus for about a week before replanting them. Then,
lay or gently plant cuttings in moist soil and allow them to root
for at least a month. Once roots are developed, the cuttings can be
transplanted into small pots.
For more information about plant care, connect with your local
Illinois Extension county office at
[Nancy Kreith, Extension Educator,
Horticulture, University of Illinois Extension]