Republicans are calling for more transparency on how taxpayer
dollars are being spent and for an end to the state’s TRUST Act,
which some say is what makes Illinois a migrant sanctuary state.
That law says state and local law enforcement cannot assist
federal immigration officers in enforcing immigration law, if
that is the sole issue against someone.
At an unrelated event outside of Springfield Thursday, Pritzker
dismissed the notion of ending the state’s sanctuary status.
“The discussion about being a welcoming state or a sanctuary
state, all of that discussion has always been about what are we
going to do about the undocumented people that have been here
for decades,” Pritzker said.
Earlier in the week, state Sen. Andrew Chesney said the TRUST
Act policies need to end, even with consideration to those
seeking asylum hearings.
“We need to anticipate that we are going to communicate with
federal authorities when 80% of those applications are
anticipated to be rejected,” Chesney said.
Pritzker said there’s a difference between illegal and
undocumented migrants and those who are documented asylum
“So on the question about the challenges that are brought up in
a press conference like that have zero to do with the current
migration crisis that’s occurring,” Pritzker said.
Earlier this week, state Rep. Dan Caulkins said those seeking
asylum in the United States may not even qualify for it.
“I think it’s close to 90% of everyone that goes to court is
sent back to their country of origin because they are not
legitimate asylum seekers,” Caulkins said.
Data compiled by the National Immigration Forum shows in fiscal
year 2016, only 28% of those seeking asylum were granted that
legal status.
“Approval rates varied by immigration court from about 10
percent to 80 percent,” the report said.
