The Greg Feldman family and Todd Lowman family with Duke University Coach Mike Krzyzewski

Friends of Flakostrong to host fundraiser for cancer research at the Logan County Fair

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[July 26, 2024]    Friends of FlakoStrong will host a fundraiser for the V Foundation for cancer research. It will be held Wednesday, July 31, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the Logan County Fair in the Knights of Columbus Pavilion.

This fundraiser is in memory of Greg “Flako” Feldman and all who have been touched by this terrible disease, as well as to honor those who have won their battle or are still fighting.

In January of 2018, Feldman was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. The news was devastating, but Flako believed in miracles and chose to fight this dreadful disease. His wife, Teena, their family, and friends were on this difficult journey with Flako. Unfortunately, Feldman passed away on July 25, 2018, just seven months later.

It was by chance, luck, and the kind heart of Coach Mike Krzyzewski of Duke University that brought much joy to Flako in his final days. Flako was a diehard Duke men’s basketball fan and more importantly, a huge Coach K fan! Todd Lowman, a close family friend, made contact with Coach K’s office, asking for a note of inspiration. Coach K did more than that when he took time to personally call and talk to Flako on the phone. The conversation was uplifting to Flako and was a highlight of his seven-month journey.

As a way to thank Coach K for his enormous generosity by adding some sunshine to Flako and his family during this difficult time, Lowman and Friends of FlakoStrong organized the first “A Night Out” in 2018 at the Logan County Fair. Coach K is a board member of the V Foundation and was a close friend of Jimmy Valvano, the founder of the foundation. Coach K is very passionate about this cause and cancer research. Friends of FlakoStrong found that Coach K’s passion became their passion, and “A Night Out” has become an annual fundraising event. To date, well over $100,000 has been raised and 100% of these direct donations are used for cancer research on ALL cancers.

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Donations may be made through THIS LINK

We are excited to support the V Foundation for Cancer Research, an organization committed to declaring Victory Over Cancer®. The research the V Foundation funds is critical. By making a donation you will be supporting carefully vetted, cutting-edge research at prominent cancer centers nationwide. Will you join us in the fight against cancer by donating today?

About the V Foundation for Cancer Research

The V Foundation for Cancer Research was founded in 1993 by ESPN and the late Jim Valvano, legendary North Carolina State University basketball coach and ESPN commentator. The Foundation has funded over $353 million in cancer research grants nationwide. The V Foundation awards 100 percent of direct donations to cancer research and related programs. The V Foundation’s endowment covers administrative expenses. The Foundation awards peer-reviewed grants through a competitive award process strictly supervised by a Scientific Advisory Committee. For more information on the V Foundation, please visit V.ORG.

[Teena Feldman]


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