Now Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin is offering an alternative,
promising financial support from taxpayers. While Warren
acknowledged Irvin’s interest, he has reiterated his commitment
to staying in Chicago.
Illinois lawmakers won’t be back in session until this fall.
Clinic serves mostly out-of-state patients
Planned Parenthood of Illinois opened up its newest clinic in
Carbondale six months ago, and statistics show the overwhelming
majority of those getting care did not live in Illinois.
According to WTTW, three-quarters of the patients served by the
Carbondale clinic have come from out of state. Of those
out-of-state patients, 88% reside in states where abortion
access is restricted, including Missouri, Indiana and Kentucky.
Turkey survey
The Illinois Department of Natural Resources is looking for
volunteer citizen scientists to assist with wild turkey brood
surveys to aid biologists in monitoring turkey population trends
and reproductive success.
Summertime is when young turkeys are hatching, and by counting
them and adult females, biologists can assess trends in
reproductive success and survival of young turkeys. Participants
are asked to report young turkeys, adult females and adult males
with every observation, as well as the county and date of the
observation during the months of June, July, and August.
