The Illinois Association of County Clerks and Recorders is a
proponent of Senate Bill 2131 from state Sen. Doris Turner,
D-Springfield, which says clerks have to be paid at least 80% of
what the state’s attorney in that county is paid and that the
pay is to mostly come from state taxpayer funds.
Gretchen DeJaynes, the association's former legislative chair
and McDonough County Clerk, said under the law the county still
has to pay benefits and payroll taxes.
"[Under the proposed law] 80% of the salary would be reimbursed
[by the state] and right now the state does that for public
defenders, state's attorneys, the assessor and the sheriff,”
said DeJaynes.
DeJaynes said the county is still going to pay clerks but
they’re just being reimbursed by the state. DeJaynes said there
wouldn’t be a conflict of interest.
"The county is still paying us, they get a reimbursement through
the state. It would be no different than the sheriff or the
state’s attorney ... are they afraid to speak out against
legislation that happens because they get a reimbursement for
their salary?” asked DeJaynes.
Turner introduced the bill and has the support of state Sen.
Sally Turner, R-Beason, the former Logan County clerk. She said
clerks aren’t paid enough and work extremely hard jobs.
"[The clerks] are doing work for the state that the state
doesn’t pay them for anyways,” said Turner.
DeJaynes said clerks have a lot of responsibilities.
“We have elections. I laugh and say, ‘I could make headlines for
elections twice a year, every year,’ I try not to. We do have a
lot of responsibilities and I do think they’re just looking at
equity across the board,” said DeJaynes.
The bill remains in committee.
