

Easter reminds us that nothing is beyond God
By Reverend Brian Wachendorf, Immanuel Lutheran Church

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[March 27, 2024]   He has been raised; he is not here. -Mark 16:6

I imagine there was no joy in the air that first Easter morning (it wasn’t even called Easter). The women, Mary Magdalene and others, ventured out that morning, not in joy or excitement, not expecting to find an empty tomb.

No, I imagine their hearts were heavy with grief that first Easter morning, for it had been a rough few days. The Disciples had abandoned Jesus at Gethsemane before the mob. Even Peter denied knowing Jesus three times in fear for his life. The crowds that had shouted “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” earlier that week, were shouting “Crucify him!” just a few days later. And the soldiers mocked, and beat, and tortured Jesus.

And finally, they nailed him to a cross where he died. Eventually, the body was taken down and laid in a tomb, but due to the lateness of the hour, no preparation of the body was done. So now, this early morning, the women set out to do that which had not done before, to anoint the body, the dead body of Jesus. One last act they can perform for him.

Now, we know the story, we know what they will find, or not find, at the tomb that morning. The message that will change everything, “He has been raised!” To us now, Easter is a celebration of joy. A demonstration of God’s power. A demonstration of God’s love for us. A time when we sing out “Jesus Christ is risen today!”

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Jesus had told his followers several times that he would die, but he also promised them he would rise again. The women approached the tomb that morning, not understanding the promise made by Jesus, but they would soon see. Even today, we do not always understand the ways of God, or how God is working in the world.

At Easter, we celebrate God’s power, even over death. We celebrate God’s love for us with the death and resurrection of Jesus. And we remember that even when we do not see, or understand how God is working in the world, we are not abandoned. The disciples did not understand what God was doing those three days. But that Easter morning showed that they were not abandoned, that God was still active in the world. We might not always understand what God is doing in the world. But Easter reminds us that nothing is beyond God, that God still Loves us, and that God is still active in the world. God is still working for us and for our salvation.

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