Dr. Dan Garganera, infectious disease specialist with the Will
County Health Department, said the spread is slow.
“Don’t be scared,” Garganera said. “This is a disease that is
controllable with the MMR vaccine.”
The Will County and Lake County health departments are currently
working on contract tracing to stem the spread.
Chicago mother Jessica Coletti told ABC7 that her 3-year-old son
Vincent came down with measles 10 days ago.
“I have never seen him so sick,” she told ABC7. Coletti said her
son is not enrolled in school. She had no idea how he could have
become infected.
Unvaccinated babies and children, pregnant women, and
immunocompromised people are most susceptible in this outbreak,
Garganera said. They are advised to stay away from people who
may have been exposed to someone with measles. Nine out of 10
unvaccinated people who are exposed to measles will get the
More than 90% of Will County children were vaccinated with MMR
when they were one year old, so they are protected, Garganera
Measles symptoms may not appear until 10 to 14 days after
exposure to someone who is infected. Symptoms start with a cough
and a high fever. Children may develop pink eye or white spots
on the inside of their mouths. Four days later, an itchy,
blotchy rash appears on the head and neck. The rash then moves
to the arms, body, and legs. Most people recover after 10 days.
One out of 1,000 people who are infected are at risk of brain
infections and even death.
A measles infection during pregnancy can cause miscarriage,
premature birth and low birth weight. Pregnant women cannot be
vaccinated for measles until after they have delivered the baby.
Not sure if you have been vaccinated? Ask your health-care
provider if the MMR, which stands for measles, mumps, and
rubella, vaccine is in your records. The MMR vaccine is easy to
get. Most pediatricians keep a supply in their offices.
People with questions can call the Will County Health Department
at 815-727-8481 emergency line.