According to Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias, less
than 24% of state residents have Real ID cards.
“Our primary goal is getting the word out, so that a year from
now, we’re not experiencing crazy lines at our DMV facilities
and major issues at our airports,” Giannoulias said.
In launching the “Get Real” campaign, Giannoulias said the
message to Illinoisans is clear.
“Don’t procrastinate, and get real. Get real, real ID, get it?”
Giannoulias added.
Transportation Security Administration Federal Security Director
Jim Spriggs said the 9-11 Commission recommended that the
federal government set security standards for drivers licenses
and ID cards.
“The idea is that we want to know who is boarding our aircraft,
and we want to verify that the person standing at the checkpoint
is who they say they are,” Spriggs said.
Giannoulias launched the “Get Real” campaign to create
“We strongly encourage residents to get real before the
deadline, to avoid any added headaches at our airports or at our
DMV facilities,” Giannoulias said.
Travelers will still be able to board flights with a valid U.S.
passport, which is already Real ID-compliant.